Reading, Ice Skating, Needlework, History, Riding,Pets, Dancing, Playing games with M'boyo, Artsy Fartsy stuff, Errr...ahhhh...Oh heck I'm interested in so many things it would just get boring to write it all. I'm a shopaholic who loves travel and interior design, and I'm bloody obsessed with making my son's life fun. (He thinks I'm just a mean old parent though---GAH, you just can't win!)
And my NEWEST Prince "Peter the Terrible" in the style of an old fashioned CDVPrince Peter
Ahhh, but what if we had lived? What if life had taken its natural course? What then...Olga had she lived to be marriedAnd somewhere I know there would be a man brave enough to take on my little Schwibzik And of course Maria would have gone to court in London
this video is provided compliments of Alexei himself. Thanks old son, even if you are now older, and taller (grumble, grumble) than I. I'm still your elder!!!!!! Oh heck, I know when I'm licked. Heheheh. Good work.
AlexeiBeware of the cat! Vaska means business.
Why do you want to look like me Baby?
In order of appearance---Olga
& Peter (my son NOW)My kids are always my heroes. They put up with parental mistakes and they are STILL incredibly beautiful, incredibly smart...and they make us incredibly lucky.
You scored as Madame Giry. Madame Giry: You’re biggest quality is your compassion. You are a mother-like figure to many. People are drawn to you for your wisdom and advise. You do not turn people away, and could never abandon anyone.
Madame Giry
Meg Giry
The Phantom