the special, the different and the others...
elektronisch organisch abstrakt
Garden State(!!); Kal Ho Naa Ho; You, Me and everyone we know; Shortbus; Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind; Nausicaa of the valley of the wind; Monsoon Wedding; Solino; Science of Sleep; Donnie Darko; Whale Rider; Trainspotting; Liegen lernen; Before Sunrise; 5x2; Láuberge espagnole; Orphans and Angels; Être et avoir; La Belle Noiseuse; Pippi in Taka-Tuka-Land; Frühling, Sommer, Herbst, Winter; Le Peuple Migrateur; Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei; Dancer in the Dark; Funny Games; Lylia-4-ever; Der freie Wille; Requiem for a dream; Diarios de motocicleta; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon; Le Grand bleu; Amélie; The thin red line; Fargo; vieles von New Hollywood, alles von Miyazaki, Weingartner, Jarmusch, Kubrick, Trier, Akin, usw....
Biene Maja, lain, Joy of Painting, Saber Rider...
Housefrau, Freestyle, Tracks