God, Music, The South, Spirituality, Archaeology, History, Theology, Genealogy, Traveling and learning everything I possibly can about this world.
Everything. I love old Motown, R&B, 80's Rock, Showtunes and Bluegrass. I think old Hymns are possibly the most beautiful things ever written.
"God Grew Tired of Us" "O Brother Where art Thou" I love any of those cheesy SNL spin-off comedies!
The History Channel...pretty much everyday.
The Bible. Mystery of 2012, The Handy History Answer Book, "Widow of the South" by Robert Hicks. Angels and Demons, The Davinci Code, "When the South was Southern" Any book about Ancient Cultures or World history. I love military history like "Napoleonic Warfare and Tactics" and I'm fascinated by both the The American Revolutionary and Civil War as well as The French Revolution and Indian Wars. I think there is so much to learn from our past and how we have learned, or failed to learn from it.
Ruth Graham, Mother Teresa, Princess Diana....all the women who chose to spend their lives wisely and with purpose, who used their influence, beauty and power unselfishly.