Tilt Music profile picture

Tilt Music


About Me

ITALIANO L'ambizione di Tilt Music e di rinforzare e di sviluppare la presenza della musica francese sul mercato italiano. La musica francese e di una grande ricchezza, tutti i generi sono rappresentati. La diversita si esprime anche tra le lingue cantate : il francese, l'inglese, lo spagnolo, l'arabo ed anche a volte l'italiano.Il nostro obiettivo e di facilitare gli scambi, tra i professionisti francesi ed italiani, attenuando le frontiere culturali e selezionando gli artisti che hanno un forte potenziale sul mercato italiano.Abbiamo quindi, attraverso l'informazione, la selezione, la negoziazione ed il controllo della relazione, la volonta di permettervi di instaurare collaborazioni efficaci e fruttuose contribuendo cosi ai vostri futuri successi.

FRANCAIS Tilt Music est une societe de conseil, basee a Rome, dont l'ambition est de renforcer et de developper la presence de la musique francaise sur le marche italien.Quelle que soit votre musique, notre presence et notre reseau sur le territoire italien nous permettent une diffusion rapide et des solutions sur-mesure pour penetrer le marche afin d'augmenter votre visibilite et vos ventes : Booking, Promotion, Synchronization.Tilt Music vous permet egalement de trouver le partenaire ideal (licences, distribution...) pour commencer une relation rentable et durable.Notre objectif principal est la coordination des differentes actions (distribution, promotion, booking) afin de donner a nos partenaires les meilleures chances de succes pour leurs artistes.

ENGLISHTilt Music is a new company, based in Rome, whose main ambition is to reinforce and to develop business between worldwide music professionals and Italian’s market.Whatever your music is, our presence and our network on the Italian territory allow you a quick diffusion and tailor-made solutions to penetrate the Italian market in order to increase your visibility and sales.With Tilt Music, you can also find the perfectly adapted partner (licenses, distributors…) to start a durable win-win relation.Our main goal is the coordination of the different actions (distribution, promotion, booking) in order to give all our partners the keys to success for their artists in a long-term vision.Tilt Music team is at your service to spread Your Music in Italy, from which public is more than ever on demand of new sounds in every style of music.

My Interests


Member Since: 3/29/2007
Band Website: tiltmusic.tv
Band Members:

Tilt Music// Via Gregorio XI, 121 //00166 Roma

Tel : (+39) 06 97 61 05 [email protected]

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Mi piacerebbe conoscere // I'd like to meet :

- artists and labels needing PROMOTION in Italy

- artists and labels looking for a BOOKING AGENCY in Italy

- artists, labels and publishers looking for SYNCHRONIZATIONS in Italy

- artists and labels looking for DISTRIBUTION and LICENCE DEALS in Italy

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