Pearl Jam, Nine Inch Nails, Tool, Mastodon, Rocco Deluca, KWS, Foo Fighters, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Audioslave. You get the idea
I think I've seen everything except Titanic. Favorites : High Fidelity, Serenity, Usual Suspects, Memento, Fight Club, the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Nightmare on Elm Street series, Die Hard series, Kevin Smith movies, Seven, Confidence...many many more
House, ESPN, South Park, Law and Order, Daily Show and all those daytime Judge shows. Judge Judy has a thing for me, I see it in her eyes.
Currently reading through The Dresden Files. Waiting on Martin to continue ASOIAF and Jordan to finish WoT. Tim Sandlin's stuff is awesome. Chritopher Moore is damn near my hero. Chuck Palahniuk is disturbingly good.
Kevin Costner. Who else could have put out Waterworld and The Postman and still command box office attention?