WhAtZ ReAlLy GoOd?
There isn't much too me. I am a simple person put in a world with complex situations. I beleive that God has a plan for me and great things in store for us all. That's why I keep my faith in him. I am the legacy of great people. From Abraham to Jesus to the Prophet Muhammad (PEACE BE UPON THEM ALL), I am blessed to come from the same family tree as all these great PEOPLE of GOD.I was born in Sacramento, raised in the Bay Area and now reside in Livermore. I am currently a student at SJSU and hope to finish SOON! Heheh..I've been saying that for the past few years, but believe me IM GON MAKE IT HAPPEN GOD WILLING (INSHALLAH)
We all go through our tests. God puts us through many tests yall! Its up to us to learn and grow with through these tests! We have ot understand that everything is done out of God's mercy! From a brother who was beaten down and called derogatory names in high school to whom I've become today, I thank Allah for everything! Regardless of what people may think of me, I love the deen..I love Islam! I am a human being ya'll, and I'll make mistakes...I've offended some people on MySpace for various reasons, but know that anything I do or say, my intentions are pure...Some people have came at me saying that I am a wanna be gangsta...or whatever..I never claimed to be thug or a gangsta...The gun pix yall..I ain't trying to glorify violence...I do believe in self-defence...That's why we have the right to bear arms! Plus the picture I put up...it was just supposed to be an "attention-getter"
I am finally graduating ya'll! (LIKE WE GIVE A DAMN, RIGHT?!!! lol) But alhamdulillah, i'll be going on to better things...Like more school...Going for my masters or my mba. Most likely an MBA in finance. Finance majors..hoook a brother up with some advice yo!
These are pictures from Generation M 2004. The video you see is from the event as well. Napoleon of the Outlawz did his thing! Support the legacy of 2pac Shakur by buying the brothers album when it hits the stores! Its hot! For those who know what nasheeds are, the group picture is of us at GEN M singing "TALA AL BADRU ALAINA" . While the song is beautiful, we were pretty bad!
Me and the brother Russell (on the left)! REAL SOLDIER YALL!
I am a nice person and I hope we can all learn from each other!