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About Me

I had abandoned myspace on and off for the last year, but now due to a successfull pregnancy, a marriage getting better and an upcoming career in teaching (Ensha'Allah!) I am starting to feel good about myself again and wish to (On my new profile.) add people who were on my old profile (This profile before I closed it down. Please re-add me ensha allah @ htp://www.myspace.com/empress_of_komodo_island!salaam!

My Blog

Western Muslimahs check out my Halal Products!

salam please check out my E-business ensha allah, Islamic goods from a Muslim country great quality cheap prices! We have only small stock up as our starting point WE ARE A NEW BUSINESS YAYlater we wi...
Posted by . on Sun, 20 May 2007 12:45:00 PST

Travesty of Justice, A wrongfull imprisonment! Read the story at Crimelibrary!

I am an avid reader of crime library, being an American who lives on foriegn land I dont have access to english speaking books and the books here cost a pretty penny that I am unable to afford! (Imagi...
Posted by . on Sun, 06 May 2007 12:15:00 PST

For those who subscribed to me!

I had abandoned myspace on and off for the last year, but now due to a successfull pregnancy, a marriage getting better and an upcoming career in teaching (Ensha'Allah!) I am starting to feel good abo...
Posted by . on Wed, 02 May 2007 04:59:00 PST

Ever wonder why the world hates you?

your government is aiding the genocide of innocent people both Muslim and non Muslim! Your so called glorious country is Aiding the occupation and attempted genocide of Palestine and sadly now Iraq. Y...
Posted by . on Sun, 30 Oct 2005 07:48:00 PST


  I am an Arab in America it means I'm sociably unlikeable...I am a devout Muslimah it means I'm a terrorist....I am outspoken and honest it means I'm a Bitch...I am fully veiled it means I'm opp...
Posted by . on Fri, 21 Oct 2005 01:14:00 PST

JIHAD-In a dream PART2

I stayed up the majority of that day until 6 A.M. I relayed my dream to my fianc on line as it sort of frightened me. I am a person who gets odd dreams but this was had much more in detail and it was ...
Posted by . on Sat, 15 Oct 2005 06:09:00 PST

Jihad-In a dream. PRT 1

As'Salaamu Aleykum Wa'Rahmutallahi Wa'Buraakutahu Lately I had been plagued with a certain dream that seems to go on pause when I awake and resume the very next time I sleep. I must say this dream get...
Posted by . on Fri, 14 Oct 2005 03:00:00 PST

Trust the media yo! The Occupation of Palestine RAWKS HARDCORE!!!

They say the Palestinians are the terrorists with their fists locked around stones and their make shift slingshots dangling in their pockets no shoes on their feet throwing stone by stone on the innoc...
Posted by . on Wed, 28 Sep 2005 05:21:00 PST

Ignorant E-mail from a low life piece of scum!

  "Well i so happen to read your profile and thought that it was all a bunch of BULLSHIT" MY RESPONSE It's only Bullshit to an ignorant fool who lacks any understanding or education on Islam. You...
Posted by . on Mon, 26 Sep 2005 03:58:00 PST

A question of Ignorance and Intolerance

Today in the western world when Muslims or non Muslims who happen to be from the Middle East (or at least of middle east descent!) are always faced with when giving their opinions on things that they ...
Posted by . on Sun, 18 Sep 2005 09:45:00 PST