#1 my 2little girls!!!!Nature-natural is good,love the smell of rain, and fresh laundry.lots-n-lots of candles....cleanliness is important..
Just about everyone i can...People are very interesting to me. I've learned the most in my life by just absorbing,listening,and watching everything around me!!!
I lOVE all music. Especially old school of all kinds. Music definately set the mood for whatever the case may be!!!!
i love movies and tend to follow the same routine down to hollywood every other night if that says anything(ya..like i don't have a life-lol),#1 fav-The Godfather i could watch it over and over and never get enough,sixteen candles,breakfast bunch(you get the picture)etc..etc...
don't like it
i just finished a few,off the wall,books by japanes author"makaruai". i am now reading a book on beauty and health wich is what i love to read most.don't really matter what it is reading is always good!!!
My dad. To me he is the smartest, bravest, the greatest, and the best example of love to me out of any other person i know.Watching his love my whole life has taught me so much.