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Hey there!!! My name is Tanya and I am 40 yrs old... (Finally!)
I walk through the world with an unhesitating explorative mind, whether I succeed, fail, learn, confuse or just look stupid.... Live and learn ! !
I am very happy, caring, friendly, honest, open-minded, upbeat, easy-going, open, understanding, funny, a little bit sarcastic, honest, creative, etc.... lol
I freekin HATE drama! Don't like attitudes... Or people who ooze negativity!! Why can't people look at the positive side of things? Even the negatives have a positive side.... Well, I finally realized: Life is way too short for all that stuff. I try to see the good in everything and try not to let the unimportant, little things bother me.... "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff!" (my favorite book!) I beleive that all things happen for a reason... Meeting people, doing things... They all are part of your path, whether it be for a brief moment or for years... "It's not the ups and downs that make life difficult, it's the way you choose to deal with them" I try to deal positively with every situation and learn from it..
Some things I like to do:
**Play with my dogs, Mamas & Max
**Write Poetry, when I feel the need to express my feelings.
**Meet new/interesting people - I totally believe u meet everyone in your life for a reason.
**Going for a drive and getting lost--on purpose! (Thank God for the Thomas Guide!! hehe)
**Spending time outdoors - drive to Running Springs/Arrowhead/Big Bear, listen to the relaxing sound of nature. Check out the cool sights.
**Spending time at home, watching movies, cooking, surfin the internet, and kickin it with my sons(ages 21 and 17) and my roomie, Terry.
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