Roark's music!! I bought Roark's CD 'Break of Day' and fell in love with his music. Whatever Roark has to say he says so well. Listening to Roark's music can put your soul into a very special place. Roark's music makes me feel good.....
All Roark Fans...
ROARK!!! Roark's CD 'Break of Day' (I don't know of anything that can compare)
2001 A Space Odyssey, 1984, Signs, The Others, The Way Home, Water, Anything Depp
MTV's Engaged and Underage (the episode that featured the music of ROARK while Frank and Jesse were married) I was watching the show and THERE was a ROARK song...
2001 A Space Odyssey, 1984, top 100 of all time/working on them..
~~~Roark~~~I'm a HUGE fan.....