Musicmusicmusic, travel, Intifada, photography, eggs, some things French, woodwinds, most things Japanese, cooking, big fire, nocturnes, folk tales, fat kids, history, camping, art, geo-politics, reptiles, the travel, comics, languages, film.
Don't get me started...
The Wiz, Divine Intervention, Amadeus, The Ninth Configuration, John Carpenter's Vampires, Midnight Cowboy, TRON, City of God, Rueben and Ed, Suburbia, Any Which Way But Loose, The Outsiders, PunchDrunkLove, They Live, My Bodyguard, Thrashin', The Wall, Harold and Maude, Easy Money, Donnie Darko, Logan's Run, Dancer in the Dark, Blade Runner, Brazil, First Blood, Eraserhead, Lolita, Once Upon a Time in China, Purple Rain, Dr. Strangelove, Anything by Vitamin M, The Wild Bunch, Stomp the Yard,
Attack Formation-'Truth Moves Out' Video-Directed by Aubrey Edwards
Me likey. Let's trade.
Me Mum, me Grandmum, Rumi, Ghandi, Muhammad Ali, A. Goldsworthy, E. Said, Khalil Gibran, Mahmoud Darwish, Victor Jara, and every Palestinian child.