saunas and jacuzzis massages cooking rock festivals colorful dressing watching movies participating in pro peace rallies
interesting beings worldwide
all rock and heavy metal
The Wizard of Oz Romeo & Juliet Rosemarys baby The Omen They Live 1984 Slaughterhouse five Deliverance Invasion of the body snatchers The Freaks Willard Flesh Gordon Blow Barbarella Polyester Faster Pussycat Kill! Kill! cult classics and midnight movies
Three Stooges~Munsters~Addams Family~TCM~PBS~Historychannel~Woody Woodpecker~Daffy Duck~Cable movies
The Art of Forgiveness Lovingkindness & Peace by Jack Kornfield The New American Militarism How Americans are Seduced by War by Andrew J Bacevich Foods of Lebanon by Cassie Maroun You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
Mom Martin Luther King Jr Cindy Sheehan Mahatma Ghandi Robert Kennedy Henry David Thoreau Mark Twain Michael Moore Wayne Dyer Lady Godiva Godzilla The Three Stooges Mata Hari Divine