ATTENTION AUSTRALIAN SHOW OWNERS AND CIRCUS SCHOOLS!!! I AM AVAILABLE TO PERFORM AND TEACH CIRCUS ACTS AND SKILLS!!!Hi there circus folks and friends alike....I have just fiished touring with Tihany Spectacular as an acrobat in their troupe. Tihany is one of the worlds most beautiful and elegant circus's and still the worlds number one Circus Magic Show
I have worked with Tihany for over 15 years touring the worldI am the manager of Gala Entertainment Management http://www.galaentertainmentmanagement.comIn my long circus career I have performed, Bungees, Russian Hammack, Air matt, Silks, Straps, Equestrian, Trampoline, Floor Acrobatics, Jump Rope Acrobatics, Chinese Poles, Trapeze and many more.
I have competed and won medals in various International Circus Festivals including Monte Carlo, Verona and Paris.
I will be attending the Wuqiao International Circus Festival in October-November with our company "Gala Entertainment Management" and three acts we representI spent many years working for Fuentes Gasca in South America.Tito and Viktor Gaona were my Tramploine and Flying Trapeze CoachesMy father is the famous Caserolo The ClownI speak, Spanish, English, Russian, Portuguese and a little PolishMy brother also works at Tihany as an acrobat in our troupe, his name is Mario, and my wife Jasmine, worked as a dancer in Tihany, she is also a contortionist. who has travelled the world with her Contortion actI now live in Australia with my wife Jasmine and our new daughter Valentina [email protected] Espanol!!