HEY BABY, we're so happy that you're here today.
But, check it out...who is this space for anyway?
Glad you asked, "We Love CD Baby" is a space for musical you. Whether you're a CD recording artist trying to sell your stuff or a music lover who loves to find and buy new music CDs, you belong right here, yes you do!
So, here's what you do...
Tell your friends, family and fans, everyone
you know (dig into that database dude)
Post your comments, lots of them.
If you have a new CD release tell everyone
about it.
Share your CD Baby success stories with the
How about sales and marketing ideas?
Got any wild fresh ideas that work for you?
If you're a CD Baby shopper, tell us about
your great new find
Post your CD Release Party info (really, we
want to know)
Send us photos (especially if you have any
pics with Derek or other things CD Baby related)
Got any cool CD Baby videos (like the one
already on this space)? We want to see it (oh yeah!)
Tell me about any CD Baby related events,
I'll try to post 'em
Oh, yeah and we will be finding cool sales and marketing advice from all over the Internet (and beyond) for you guys to check out. Like the next video from a new movie called "What is Indie" featuring CD Baby founder, the MAN, Derek Sivers...