Interessata di conosere altri artisti,ispirazioni di colaborazione...I am looking for interesting people,artist people...networking and friendship.
Jazz/Soul/Blues/Tango/Flamenco... James Brown,Billy Holiday,Norah Jones,Sade,Alicja Keys, Miles Davis,US3,Edith Piaf,Astor Piazzola,The Cracow Klezmer Band,Pink Floyd,Sting,Peter Gabriel,Bjork.........
Luc Besson("Le Grand Bleu",Nikita) Wim Wenders ("Paris-Texas", "The Million Dollar Hotel", "Buena Vista Social Club", "Lisbon Story", "Wings of Desire"...) Wayne Wangper("Smoke-Blue ine the face") Emir Kustirica ("Black cat-white cat", "Underground", "Arizona Dream","Life is a miracle"...) Roberto Benigni("The Monster") Jim Jarmush ("Coffe and cigarettes","Night on Earth", "Mystery train","Down by law"...) Francis Ford Coppola ("The Godfather trilogy","Dracula","Rumble Fish") Quentin Tarantino("Four rooms","Pulp Fiction"...) Pedro ALmodavar ("Bad Education","Talk to her","All about my mother", "The flower of my secret","Kika") Stanley Kubrick ("The shining","A clockwork orange","2001:A space odyssey") David Lynch ("TwinPeaks","Blue Velvet","Lost Higway"...) Federico Fellini ("La dolce vita","8 1/2","Roma"...) Bernardo Bertolucci ("Last Tango in Paris","Little Buddha","Stealing Beauty"..) Martin Scorsese ("Taxi driver","Casino"...) Ingmar Bergman ("Wild Strawberries"...) Krzysztof Kieslowski ("Camera Buff","The Decalogue", "The short film about killing", "A short film about love", "The Duble life of Véronique", "Three colors Blue","Three colors White", "Three colors Red") S.Spielberg("Munich","The Terminal"..) Roman Polanski("The Pianist","Pirates") Jean-Pierre Jeunet("Amelie"..) Marc Caro&Jean Pierre JEunet("Delicatessen") Danny Boyle("Transpotting") Jan Campion("The Piano") ...................ETC
Patrick Suskind("Perfum.The Story of a Murderer"),Jerzy Kosinski("The Painted Bird"..)Krishnamurti("The first and last Freedom","Freedom,Love,and Action"...)F.Dostoyevsky("The Idiot"..), K.Vonnegut("Breakfast of Champions"),Vladimir Nabokov("Lolita"),Daniel Defoe ("Robinson Crusoe"),P.Coelho("The Alchemist"),C.G.Jung("Memories,dreams,reflections","Psycholo gy and Alchemy"..) Ch.Andersen,Kuncewiczowa("Cudzoziemka","Dwa Ksiezyce"),Oscar Wilde,A.Huxley, William Wharton,Osho,E.Fromm,Umberto Eco....