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Clients: Anyone interested in purchasing kick ass gear or who want custom one of a kind pieces.
Boutique/Store Owners: Wholesale or consignment inquiries are welcomed.
Musicians, Actors, Performers, Stylists, Photographers, Models, Magazine Editors, Filmmakers: Just Janny will gladly negotiate price and/or exchange for use of Just Janny clothing in photoshoots, magazines, films, or events.
If it's hard and I can dance to it or bang my head to it I'll like it. I like alot of stuff and hate labels or stereotypes...if it's good it's good and that's it.
I like 'em all....well except for scary ones...I'm a big wuss.
I don't really watch television anymore. The Simpsons will always rule though.
I collect art, fashion, costume, visually inspiring books.
My not my sugar daddy. He is my best friend and inspiration. I wish more people were like him.