Hi, I'm Kelly Hastey. My Daddy began teaching me to play when I was only six years old. I started out on the mandolin and moved to guitar quickly after that. I have been a working musician since I was sixteen years old. I've traveled some and played with a handful of celebrities, but for the most part, I've stayed and played in my home state of Texas.I've been married to my lovely wife for almost sixteen years. I am also daddy to two wonderful boys who are eight and two years old. I am definitely a family man, but music still reigns in my heart right along with them. Fortunately, my girl has always supported this and our kiddos are well on their ways to following the musician's path.I am currently playing with several different bands. Primarily, I work in a band called "Cadillac Jack." We've been together around three years. Also, I am playing in a three-piece band also known as "Cadillac Jack," however this is some what of a junior version of the original band. We mostly play local clubs during the week. I also play with the Rex Thomas band. We've been together at least seven years. And, we, primarily, play private and corporate parties. In each of these bands, I play lead guitar and sing lead vocals and back up for the other guys. Finally, I am currently working on a c.d. of my own songs and perhaps a cover tune or two. We'll just have to wait and see how that song plays out.
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