Peste Noire: Bubonic Plague in English, aka the Black Death, one of the worst disasters ever to befall Europe, eliminating 1/3 of its population during the 1340s.
According to its member(s), Peste Noire plays pure Black Metal for Satanic rituals, not humanistic NS pseudo-BM.
Neige is back in the band after leaving Mortifera for personal reasons. This info is provided by Neige himself.
PESTE NOIRE has no official myspage page nor any website and will never have. They are totally against that "Funderground friend-seeking" side of the internet BM scene (myspace, youtube) and reject the exposure of their music to the unworthy masses through mp3s by so-called "fans" (myspace, lastfm, p2p).
Peste Noire est un groupe de raw black metal originaire de France (Avignon, Vaucluse) et créé en 2001 par Feu Cruel (qui se fera plus tard appeler Famine). Il produit une musique sombre, mélancolique, putride voire même suicidaire.
2001 : Aryan Supremacy (Démo)
2002 : Mémoire Païenne (Split CD)
2002 : Macabre Transcendance (Démo)
2003 : Phalènes et Pestilence - Salvatrice Averse (Démo)
2006 : La Sanie des siècles - Panégyrique de la dégénérescence (Album)
2007 : Lorraine Rehearsal (LP)
2007 : Folkfuck Folie (Album)
2007 : Mors Orbis Terrarum (Best Of)
2007 : Horna / Peste Noire (Split)
Détails des albums
Marchandise Officiel
Transcendental Creations
Under the dark soil
Nothern Heritage
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