Desolation Chants profile picture

Desolation Chants

About Me

CHANGING NAME: Due to the overnumerous bands called Desolation, I decided not to totally change my name, but to extend it to DESOLATION CHANTS, which fits even better with my view of my music, this is effective from NOW.
Here are the very first recordings of Desolation. Created in 2002 but with a very long period of silence, it became a band in 2006, and after one year I realised that it was alone that I was the more creative.
The split cd with Grisâtre is available on various distro websites or directly by me (send me an email).

My Interests


Member Since: 14/08/2007
Band Members: Brume, Desolation Chants is a one man band.SPLIT CD AVAILABLE !
Influences: Nature, human feelings
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog


CHANGING NAME: Due to the overnumerous bands called Desolation, I decided not to totally change my name, but to extend it to DESOLATION CHANTS, which fits even better with my view of my music, this is...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Dec 2008 05:35:00 GMT

Split cd available now

The split cd with Grisâtre is available atSelf Mutilation Servicesand soon directly by me.
Posted by on Mon, 11 Aug 2008 03:55:00 GMT

Split cd with Grisatre

A split-cd with Grisatre should come soon (at Self Mutilation Services).
Posted by on Mon, 19 May 2008 03:22:00 GMT