AMESOEURS profile picture


Sad and violent urban music

About Me

Mesdames, messieurs,
Amesoeurs n'existe plus.
Neige a décidé de mettre fin au groupe car sa nouvelle petite copine, jalouse de la participation d'Audrey S., l'a forcé à tout arrêter.
Winterhalter, qui n'avait rien à voir dans l' histoire, a lui aussi été congédié, mais ça il ne le sait pas encore. Idem pour Fursy.
Conclusion : au revoir et bon dimanche
Signé Audrey S, qui ne comprend pas toujours pourquoi Neige est une... p...
Ladies and Gentleman, Amesoeurs does not exist anymore.
Neige has decided to split up the band, because of his new girlfriend, who is jealous of Audrey S' participation, forced him to stop everything.
Winterhalter, who has nothing to do with this story, was fired too, even if he doesn’t know it yet. The same for Fursy.
Conclusion : Byes, and have a nice Sunday.
Audrey S, who still doesn’t understand why Neige is a b…

My Interests


Member Since: 6/13/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: -Neige (also member of Alcest, Peste Noire and Forgotten Woods): Guitars, Bass, Vocals

-Audrey S: Clear Vocals

-Fursy Teyssier (Les discrets): guitars, graphic design

-Winterhalter (also member of Peste Noire): Drums
Sounds Like:
Record Label: Code666
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


(voir profil)
Posted by AMESOEURS on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 04:12:00 PST


Amesoeurs has almost finished the composition of their full-length album and will enter in a studio in july (if everything comes out as expected). I am really satisfied by the way the new songs are so...
Posted by AMESOEURS on Thu, 22 May 2008 01:34:00 PST

The Amesoeurs/Valfunde split EP is out

The Amesoeurs/Valfunde split vinyl is available from now through De Profundis. contact : [email protected]            &nbs...
Posted by AMESOEURS on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 11:15:00 PST

Neige interview about Alcest/Amesoeurs for Kaleidoscope

Alcest/Amesoeurs - interview 2007 for Kaleidoscope Zine (translated by Noël Benoit) 1) Well, this interview will concentrate on two of your bands, Alcest and Amesoeurs. Maybe the best thing to start ...
Posted by AMESOEURS on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 04:33:00 PST