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MySpace Led Scroller
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.. Words. Writing. (How convenient). Music. A few drinks. A cigarette(And again...). Draw, read. Your philosophy. Travelling - next stop, Western Europe. Diversity. In everything. The Ocean. New ideas. Evolution of old, dead ideas. Politics; The Pacific Solution? Pro-war AND anti-abortionist? Some contemporary dance (see Lucy Guerin). Zmag. Guitar. Astronomy - planets - solar system - black holes - physics - Steve Hawking and Dobson (he's all mine rik; Dobsy's signed the paperwork). Sociology. Reconciliation - Australia's federal government apologises to the stolen generation of indigenous australians on 13 february 2008. Barwon Heads. The Absurd and your solution.
.. engage. interact. i want people to floodsprayassaultcannon this page with ideas. new, old. inchoate, those gasping for one last breath. anything. if you come to this place, lift your hind leg, and relieve yourself. alternatively, you can just hold onto it all. man's imagination is not his kidney.the claws and bile of harmony stiles was burnt away into smoke and thin air.
.. In Flames. Nirvana. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. Mudhoney. Channel Zero. RATM. Soundgarden, Nina Simone "i committed the crime of being hungry and poor". Frank Zappa. Tool. Radiohead. The Dirty Three. Black Rebel Motor Cycle Club. Dino Jr. Slayer. QOTSA. Tom Waits. Deicide. Tomahawk/Bungle. Magic Dirt (see 'friends in danger' - at this point, bills were not being paid). The Pixies. The Doors. Elbow. Sonic Youth. Beasts of Bourbon. Evergreen Terrace. Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Bloc Party. Arcade Fire. Klaxons. Steve Earle. Amon Amarth. Pantera - Damageplan. Opeth. Earth. The Haunted. Cannibal Corpse. Jeff Buckley. The Killers. Muse (occasionally - map of the problematique, for example). tori amos (occasionally). Leadbelly. Mayhem. Midnight Oil (esp 10 to 1). The Panics. Pearl Jam (see no code). PJ Harvey (of course). Vintage Smashing Punpkins. Soilwork. SOAD. Archie Roach. Give me blues any time (Blind Willie McTell, Lightnin' Hopkins etc etc). Jackson Jackson, courtesy em.
.. Fight Club. The Life of Brian. Napolean Dynamite. The Village. Seven. Sin City. Pulp Fiction. Team America: World Police. Donnie Darko. Barfly. American History X. Mad Max. 28 Days Later. The Goonies. Snatch. I heart huckabees. Hot Fuzz. The Spongebob Squarepants Movie. A Clockwork Orange. Pan's Labyrinth. The Departed. Kenny. Bodies Rest and Motion. Planet Terror. Clerks I & II. Science of Sleep.
(diy lobotomy - safe practice). flight of the conchords. top gear. life support. admittedly, for the most part, tv's about as useful as a fart in a windstorm. we all know this. but there are exceptions - to both rules.
.. Anything by Charles Bukowski: "there is enough treachery, hatred, violence, absurdity in the average human being to supply any given army on any given day". "my poems are only scratchings on the floor of a cage". Patrick Suskind - perfume. Chuck Palahniuk - lullaby - haunted - fight club. Franz kafka - the trial. Albert Camus - the myth of sisyphus - the outsider. Hunter S. Thompson - the rum diary. Kurt Vonnegut - slaughterhousefive.
.. "I am to cyberspace what Enos and Ham were to space travel". "prayer is when night descends over thought" - alain. "knowing whether or not a man is free involves knowing whether he can have a master. the absurdity peculiar to this problem comes from the fact that the very notion that makes the problem of freedom possible also takes away all its meaning. for in the presence of god there is less a problem of freedom than a problem of evil... either we are not free and god the all-powerful is responsible for evil. or we are free and responsible but god is not all-powerful." - camus