As of right now I am super way hard into: all the isms. mending hearts. keeping you alive. the art of william schaff. lalz. also, i love new jack swing like whoa.
james gunn. that dude is one hilarious motherfucker.
is my radar.
the x-files. stranger than fiction. the big lebowski. serenity. empire records. waiting for guffman. mallrats. ghost world. the man who fell to earth. goonies. dune. empire strikes back. welcome to the dollhouse. a christmas story. every movie created by trey parker and matt stone. ghost dad. the graduate.
1984. Superfudge. Ender's Game. The Giving Tree. Yellow Dog Party. 2001: A Space Odyssey. Children Of Men. A Clockwork Orange. Guerrilla Warfare. The Awakening. Cinderella's Big Score. One Day In The life Of Ivan Denisovich. Our Band Could Be Your Life. anything by the holy Ray trinity (Bradbury, Carver, Chandler) or David Sedaris. A Wrinkle in Time.
beth ditto. meg murry. diane arbus. ellen willis. ms joan hiller. kathleen hanna.