Ruined Saint profile picture

Ruined Saint

I still want to believe that misery and agony and suffering will one day deliver me into a world whe

About Me

Real People:
"We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes."
~Gene Roddenbery
"I'm a scientist, and I believe there is a profound contradiction between science and religious belief. There is no well-demonstrated reason to believe in God, and I think that the idea of a divine creator belittles the eligant reality of the universe...The time has come for people of reason to say 'enough is enough.' Religious faith discourages independant thought; it's divisive; and it's dangerous."
~Richard Dawkins
"So long as the universe had a beginning, we could suppose it had a creator. But if the universe is really self-contained, having no boundary or edge, it would have neither beginning nor end, it would simply be. What place, then, for a creator?"
~Stephen Hawkings
"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions."
~Albert Einstein
"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."
~Carl Sagan
"I worship individuals for their highest possibilities as individuals, and I loathe humanity, for its failure to live up to these possibilities."
~Ayn Rand
"The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world its own shame."
~Oscar Wilde
"Unless the society stands against certain things, they will have endorsed certain things."
~Richard Dreyfus
"There is only one conclusion to every story; we all fall down."
~Domino Harvey
Book and Movie Characters:
Kill Bill
"It's mercy, compassion and forgiveness I lack, not rationallity."
~Beatrix Kiddo
"For those regarded as warriors, when engaged in combat,
the vanquishing of thine enemy can be the warrior's only concern.
Suppress all human emotion and compassion. Kill whoever
stands in thy way, even if that be Lord God, or Buddha himself.
This truth lies at the heart of the art of combat."
~Hattori Hanzo
"...A roaring rampage of revenge."
~Beatrix Kiddo
"Without change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens.
The sleeper must awaken."
~Duke Leto Attreides
"They shall come all, for violence."
~Gurney Hallek
Natural Born Killers
"Who's the lucky one?"
~Mickey Knox
"How you like me now, fucker?"
~Malory Knox
"Staying alive is just part of the mission."
~My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult, "Babylon Drifter"
"This winter inside...deliverance denied where I keep me crucified."
~A'Rebours "This Winter"
"I'll watch you fall, while you watch me smile."
~Unter Null, "Disgrace"
"Pleased to meet you,
Won't you guess my name?"
~The Roling Stones, "Sympathy for the Devil""Did you think it's cool
To walk right up
And take my life
And fuck it up
Well did you?
~Jay Gordon, "Selpt So Long"
"I'm going to live forever or die trying..."
"No matter how low you set the bar, those below it will still call you an elitist."
"Chains and ropes and whips that sting; these are a few of my favorite things."
"Mad Science: It's not just a job, it's revenge."
"Getting even is a tied game; staying one-up is winning."
"The Voices like me better and you know it."
"A tisket, a tasket, another victim in the basket."
I am of a proud lineage, being of mixed Nordic and Celtic ancestory.
Career & Hobbies:
Professionally, I'm an Architectural Draftsman, designing commercial and custom residential homes in the Las Vegas Valley and surrounding region.
Yes, I know, I don't look the part. How many architectural firms out there are going to hire a freaky looking goth dude, right? Well, when you're damn good at your job, and so long as you aren't all sloppy and smelly, you really can get away with just about anything, regardless of what field you're in. Well, except the military, but even that has some leeway when you're not on duty.
As if I didn't present enough of a contradiction, I've managed to build my entire career with nothing more than a trade certificate. I attended Associated Design, in Palos Heights, Illinois. It was a great little school that taught Technical Drafting. The school is closed, now; the original teacher (Joe Hass) died shortly before I graduated. He had taught the class for 13 years. My understanding is that they went through a half-dozen other teachers, but none were able to carry it like Joe did. So it's no longer there. And I think that's unfortunate; it was a good school, and I don't know where I'd be now if I hadn't gone there.
I attended High School at Rich Township East Campas, Class of 1987, in Park Forest, Illinois. I was voted Most Likely to Vanish Without a Trace. I didn't like that very much, so I decided never to see or call any of those people ever again.
(Yeah... That'll teach 'em.)
Second Shifters
I'm a DJ for Second Shifters , a kewl little ShoutCast station that plays a wide variety of music. Each DJ is free to select their own playlist. My own playlist varies based on my mood and requests received. Some nights I pull out the old-school Goth, and other nights I have what I call "The Dark Rave", focusing on EBM, Industrial, and dark-tinged Techno. You might tune in and here me playing Insane Clown Posse, Twizted and Dark Lotus; or I might be playing The Sharks, Nekromantics, and other Psychobilly greats. Fact is, you never really know what I'm going to play; some nights, I don't even know what I'm going to play.
You can hear me on Thursdays, from 6 PM to 10 PM Pacific, and Fridays/Saturdays, from 6 PM to 12 PM Pacific. Some Fridays I leave early because I have to work on Saturday; some Saturdays I pull all-nighters and play until sunrise. It's kinda give-and-take in that regard.
Second Shifter DJs: Here are some of the other DJs from Second Shifters with profiles here on MySpace... If you don't like my music, you still might want to check them out since one of them might play music more to your liking...
Water Valgadis Nipple-
necromancer Scypher
And always remember...
The Fans: Naturally, being the kick-ass kinda guy I am, I've got some of the best, kewlest (and tasty) fans ever to live. These are the folks that make it all worth it.
Knox Lapoozila Syana Opticallusion Ali
Yes, I'm a Satanist. And no, I don't need my "soul" saved. It's already safe and sound in my head where it belongs. And no, I'm not a devil worshipper, either; those people are worse then Christians, thinking they're free while donning chains forged from the same foolish stupidity.
Satanism is a religion of the flesh. It recognizes no destiny above that which we make for ourselves, and bows to no power above ourselves. Each of us are divine; Indeed, it can be said that God was created in Man's image. So why belittle ourselves by worshipping some father figure that died thousands of years ago, or follow some path mapped out in a time when we understood almost nothing about the universe? If there is to be a God in the image of Man, then what image would be more worthy than my own? None, I say. None.
Also, check out the blog entry entitled "The Secret". It discusses (and links to) a video that I feel is very important. It not only explains scientifically how magic works, but also explains (briefly) how most Right Hand Path religions manipulate people into using "The Secret" against themselves. Very informative.
A Discussion Group I routinely participate in...

And while we're on the subject of religion, want to see a news story about the next generation of fanatical terrorists in training? Watch this video and be warned: These kids are in our neighborhoods, our parks, and our schools. And they are not only harboring their message of hate within their hearts, but they are going even further in the name of their new cruisade. Watch this video to see how they are using their kids to preach to your kids, with little care or concern about what you want for them. If there's going to be a new "holy war", it's because these hate mongers want one, not because of some divine destiny passed down from on high. So I'll put it in simple words so people can easily understand it: Militant Christianity is a contradiction! Anyone performing an act of hate, violence, or discrimination in the name of Jesus has no fucking clue what Jesus taught.

My Interests

My Gothic Playlist.

CURRENT MOON lunar phases

Kinky Sex, Wicked Drugs, Black Magic, and Demented Super-Science...
And the continual search for my hentai bondage babe...
Think it could be you..?

(Want it to be? Hee hee...)

My Blog
Subscribe to my Blog...
A Satanist's Notebook (Part 2)
Children's Literature (or, Why America fears Harry Potter)
Busiest Time of the Year
Genres, genres, genres
Traitors in America
The Chair
One more component...
The Secret (Part I) and A Satanist's Notebook (Also Part I)
Being Thankful
Dobbs Editorial
Workin' Out
Parsel Grew a Tad
Still Hurt
Red Tail Boa
Lots of stuff for the cave...
Flattery will get you everywhere. :)
The Secret
Offered a Job...
A Question of Association: Goth Music vs Being Goth
That's the way it goes...
Room mate's an idiot...
More new ink?
And the score is tallied...
Is this just ego, or have I been winning the war against time?
It's always funny...
A Day with My Little Buddy...
Best sleep I've had in years...
Gold Card?
They've Arrived!
Fuckin' Bigots...
32 Hours to Go (or, eBay is driving me nuts...)
New Ink...
Oh my...
Shopping Splurge...
Life just keeps getting better...
Hey! I've got credit!
New 'Puter...
Remodel Pending...
Idle Postings...
Ink for my daughter...
On the road again... Kinda.
It's all about presentation...
Well, that sucked...
The Patch: Take 3
Let's talk about the Ex-Wife, shall we?
Fleshworks Part I: The Saint's Ink
Paranoia, paranoia, everybody's out to get me...
Well, so much for that...
It was only natural...
Plastic People, Plastic Lives
The wait continues...
Life moves on...
Now the big question is...
New Job Description = New Hair Do
Divorce Papers vs Marriage License
Themes for the Show...
Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles
Happy Birthday Kid
Naughty Naughty
Amp, ShoutCase DJing, and All-Nighters at the Office
Whatcha gonna do now?
Thank You Very Much...
Truth and Consequence (Divorce Part III)
Dental Pains
Like I Care?
Liberation Day!
Salt Lake City? Oh crap.
Holidays Over... About time.
MySpace Music Rocks!
Damn Tweaks...
Fuck George Bush
Well, damn...
Was there a point..? Who knows?
Second Week in a Row...
Making a new habit...
What am I doing here?

Miscellaneous Goodness

CURRENT MOON lunar phases

I'd like to meet:

Unfortunately, most of the people I'd like to meet are dead: Ayn Rand, Gandhi, Albert Einstein, Nietzsche, Anton LaVey, Vincent Price, Betty Paige, Carl Sagan, Jerry Garcia. I might still get my chance to meet Stephen Hawking, and living in Vegas gives me a (slim) chance of meeting Donald Trump.

I'd love to meet Danny Trejo.

I think the guy is an incredible actor; I've seen him play hard asses, nice guys, and even the occassional bafoon. Brilliant!
I'd love to meet Gauge; she's gorgeous.

Especially in leather. (No pics of that readily available, unfortunately...)
Her MySpaceCollections:
I collect the BEGoths 12" Dolls. I think they're great. Quite excellent. I've also got a few of the 7" ones; haven't decided if I'm going to finish collecting those or if the ones I have are enough (just for the novelty, so to speek). A few of the BEGoths folks have profiles here on MySpace. Follow the links below:

Hysteria Venom
(Main BEGoths Contact) Leda Swanson Scorpio Vixen Storm O'Misery
(News Letter/
Personal Fav) Dru Fiona and Hypnotica

Divinity Esperanza Demuerte Annabelle Joani Rotten Eva Destruction VeroniKa Despair

Wormwood Gloom Devastatia Trinity The BEGoth's Street Team
Headsick Pinups:
Blood, gore, and sexy ladies. Yes, I'm a sick puppy...


In a pool, painted black, heavy water hinging back; Exodus island, a wave of change; against the grain I shall remain.

My Blog

Religion = Lack of Rationality & Reason

I've recently found a large group of Athiests gathering and organizing on YouTube (and now reaching into MySpace).  And, naturally, there's been a bit of Deistic knee-jerk.  I've a few thing...
Posted by Ruined Saint on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 05:51:00 PST

Some random updates...

Let's see... Well, we're about 2 weeks shy of the rain season ending; then cycling season begins.  Can't order the new bike yet; should have it by the beginning of summer, if only on lay-away.&nb...
Posted by Ruined Saint on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 11:24:00 PST

A Satanist's Notebook (Part 2)

Alright, it's been a few weeks (months, almost) since I've made a blog entry.  And to get back into the groove, I'm going to discuss a few things I've noted about Satanism and Satanists. 1. Knowl...
Posted by Ruined Saint on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 01:04:00 PST

Children's Literature (or, Why America fears Harry Potter)

I'll be the first to admit that when a movie is based on a book, chances are the book is going to be better.  99% of the time, this is true.  There have been a few notable exceptions, of cou...
Posted by Ruined Saint on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 02:57:00 PST

Busiest time of the year...

Never fails...  November and December are the busiest months of the year, as everyone wants their new house or office designed and submitted to the Building Department for approval before New Yea...
Posted by Ruined Saint on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 02:52:00 PST

Genres, genres, genres...

So today I'm moving my broadcasting operations from the office to the home.  Not a bad deal; I've got the super-computer finished enough to handle the job (still lacking graphics, but it's a radi...
Posted by Ruined Saint on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 01:24:00 PST

Traitors in America

In one of the groups I'm in, we've had problems with numerous trolls popping in and causing trouble.  All these people claim to be all-American patriots.  This is a letter I wrote for them.....
Posted by Ruined Saint on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 04:15:00 PST

The Chair

(Once again, this belongs in Health & Fitness, rather than Sports, but there is no Health and Fitness, so here we go...) I have a new chair.  It's kinda...  Weird.  Metal frame surr...
Posted by Ruined Saint on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 10:12:00 PST

One more component...

Well, more than one until total completion...  But!  I'm only one component away from being able to DJ from home instead of hanging out at the office after hours and every Saturday. The new ...
Posted by Ruined Saint on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 08:34:00 PST

The Secret (Part I) and A Satanist's Notebook (Also Part I)

Okay, I'm starting to put together my thoughts and views regarding the Law of Attraction, but in working on this one, a bit of a rant I have has risen to the surface.  So this entry is in two par...
Posted by Ruined Saint on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 03:11:00 PST