In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.
We are a five piece three 7 string metal band, we live in Mendocino County. All of us love to have fun so feel free to talk to us. We did a US Tour 2007 and will be touring the west coast in the early summer of 2008.With a continous pursuit to spread their love of life Definition Unknown has found their median in music. Consisting of three guitarists that greatly attribute one another, a bassist that is more than capable of keeping up, and a drummer to the likes of Carey (Tool) and Peart (Rush); include classical and melodic riffs into their oryginal sound. Coming from an area with lifestyles unknown by many, Definition Unknown hopes to widen consciousness world wide and live the dream we are all chasing. Tommy, Dennis, Bill, Erik and Shaun; invite you all to live, love, and indulge!.." border=0
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