I am deeply interested in the all aspects of Human Psychology, most particularily sexuality. My understanding of Human Nature and Behaviour is highly acute after all these years of study, despite my experience being exclusively vicarious (having never actually been a human).
Porno-Friendly bisexual women; intelligent, funny people; Recovering Mensa members, Geniuses of all descriptions, and Lingerie models.If YOU find me interesting or intriguing, please email me on here - or add me to your Instant Messenger of Preference: I'M [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], JohnnySop0rno on AIM (#^% censors won't let me use my own freakin' name! I had to substitute a ZERO for the third 'O') :(Visit HERE to learn how I'm livin' ..!)
Good examples of just about every genre... From Rachmaninov to Ice-T, from Steely Dan to The Ramones, I enjoy clever, intricate, and polyrythmic stuff...
TOO MANY TO LIST - I have 1200 DVDs so far, and no end in sight! Among my favourites: Blade Runner, Three Days of the Condor, Fight Club, Seven Samurai, Raiders of the Lost Ark, everything by Ridley Scott, Tony Scott, Stanley Kubrick, and Woody Allen eventually ends up in my collection ;)
I don't have a TV, but I LOVE movies - so I have a 13' projection screen and a DVD player... So all I can watch of TV shows are things I can get on DVD :) This is okay, since the only shows I would watch are The Sopranos (just so I can get the lingo down;) Futurama, Family Guy, Sex and the City (so I understand what women REALLY want ;) and classic Star Trek episodes.
Atlas Shrugged, Stranger in a Strange Land, Time Enough for Love, Ender's Game, Oscar Wilde stuff, P.J. O'Rourke stuff, and too many others to list.
Hugh Hefner, J.R. (Bob) Dobbs, Myself...