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Whatever the mind of man can conceive, it can achieve!

About Me

Me? Actor. Writer. Director. Comic. Real Estate Investor.
I am a very aggressive, confident, friendly, passionate, and sociable person who believes that having a sense of humor is probably the most important attribute to have. I believe in instant chemistry with somone. I believe that there are NO such things as random encounters. Everyone...and I mean everyone... you meet in your life has been brought to you to teach you something. It may be something you like or something you hate, but each individual has a message for you. What you do with that message in entirely up to you.
As for dating? Haven't found "the one" yet.
Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds BELOW IS THE MOST IMPORTANT VIDEO YOU WILL EVER SEE IN YOUR LIFE. Watch with an open mind, and if you question anything presented here, by all means do the research YOURSELF! Are you ready for the revolution? Share this video with as many people as you know. (Make sure you pause my music player so you can hear the movie. It is approx. 1 hr 56 min.)

My Interests

My incredible family is the most important thing to me in this entire world. EVERYTHING ELSE IS SECOND! THEY ARE MY MAIN INTEREST. As for what else interests me? Well hmmmm . Making money! Making people laugh. Making friends. Real Estate. Writing. Acting. Performing. Meditating. BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS! Bike Rides. Watching my Lakers. Working out. Roller coasters. Surfing. Playing Pool. Taking trips to see exotic places and ancient ruins. Driving fast! Great sex (Best in a relationship). Flirting. Kissing. Playing with kids (because I just happen to be a big kid myself). Giving a gift to one person each day whether it be physical or spiritual. And of course my Buddhist beliefs. I call myself a Buddhist mainly because I found the religions teaching about inner discovery to be the most real, the most tangible. But even in the Buddhist religion there are supernatural elements that I struggle with.

Enjoy a game of cyber pool! I'll still kick your butt on my own table! See more funny videos at CollegeHumor

I'd like to meet:

God...and... oh yeah Tommy Lasorda. I'd also like to meet ME about 10 years ago and warn myself about some of the women I was going to meet!

If you want to be a friend, then send me a message first. Tell me about yourself, why you liked my page, why you'd like to be friends. We'll go from there. I do respond to all. Oh, and if you have a photo of yourself "giving the middle finger" to the camera in ANY of your photos, I will NOT accept you as a friend. Since when did this become cool? It's not! You are devaluing the meaning and purpose of giving someone the FINGER in a very lame attempt to try and appear "hard core" or "cool." Especially you ladies. You look stupid. Trust me.

Also ladies, don't ask me to VOTE FOR YOU on some stupid website that does nothing more than feed your ego. That makes you look even more stupid, not to mention insecure.

Okay, enough negative stuff. Now, if your profile is set to "Private" I probably won't add you as a friend 'cuz I don't know nothin' about ya! If you do become a friend, please don't post any offensive pictures. I am trying to keep my page clean. Cool? Thanks.

Here's a list of things I often wonder about. Some are odd, some are strange, some are funny, some are weird...but they will give you an idea how my brain works.
1. Why do all motorcycle cops have mustaches?
2. When horsebackriding with a friend, why do you blame your friend when his/her horse passes gas? "It's was Bucky, I swear!"
3. When people climb into thier cars, why do they suddenly feel it's completly safe to pick their nose? WE CAN SEE YOU!!
4. What ever happened to all those SUCKA MC'S from the 80's??
5. What the hell is NUGET and why is it in my candy bar?
6. Did you ever notice that in some family portraits everyone is looking off to the LEFT of the camera? WHAT'S SO INTERESTING OVER THERE?
7. When I say "Hey, what's up?" to some people, why do they respond with "Good, and you?" THAT'S NOT WHAT I ASKED YOU!!
8. Why don't you ever see any dead pigeons?
9. When a woman's vagina makes sounds during sex, why is it completely ignored? I think it's pretty damn funny!
10. When you are at a concert, did you ever notice that everyone in the arena has no idea what to do with their hands? "Do I keep them in my pockets? Do I wave one just one hand? Do I fold my arms?"
11. Why do we have this urge to look inside a Kleenex after blowing our nose in it? What are we expecting to find inside? Daisies???
12. If Justin Timberlake is bringing sexy back, who's the jerk who lost it in the first place?
13. Fake breasts were invented in the late 1970's, right? So does that mean we are gonna start seeing all these old women with GREAT LOOKING TITS?
14. I think that guys that I have never met before that ask me to be their friend on myspace is kinda gay.
15. After I kill a spider with a piece of tissue and flush it down the toilet, I always have this fear that it will one day come back to life, crawl back through the pipes and BITE ME IN THE ASS!
16. I think they should do a movie starring Jennifer Love Hewitt's TITS. Not Jenifer Love Hewitt...just her TITS. They upstage her in everything she's done anyway.
17. I saw a sign on the side of the freeway that read: "BRAILLE INSTITUTE, NEXT EXIT." Who is this sign for????
18. Ya know, I would really love to listen to AM radio in parking garages.
19. Have you ever woken up from a really intense dream and swear someone was standing in your closet, only to find out it was just your bathrobe?
20. Whenever the dishwasher drawer gets stuck, it's always that damn SPATULA that's to blame, isn't it?! DAMN YOU SPATULA! DAMN YOU TO HELL!
21. I am on an amazing streak right now! In every single restaurant I have ever been in, the ketchup bottle at the table is always full or new. It's weird.
22. Have you ever been talkin' to someone and a small spit bubble flies out of your mouth and lands on your friends face? You both saw it, but for some reason your friend doesn't wipe it away! And it just sits there and bubbles and festers while you're talking and they won't wipe it away till you look away! That's the worst.
23. Sometimes I like to go into .99 CENTS ONLY stores and ask for price checks on everything.
24. Ya know....there is just no "cool" way to walk into a spider web.
25. After watching all of these disaster movies about the world coming to an end, or alien invasion, the message that Hollywood seems to be telling us is: THE STATUE OF LIBERTY IS SCREWED!!! If you think the world is coming to an end, stay away from Liberty Island people! That's the first thing that's gonna get hit!
26. Why do all the DJ's on "Smooth Jazz" radio stations sound like they just got done having sex?
.....more to come.....


I appreciate brilliance in music. Flawless sounds and performance. Thus I actually enjoy all sorts of music, from rock, to punk, to classical, to new wave, to electronic. As long as it is artistic and creative I love it all.

But I would have to say that one of my favorite artists of all time is Stevie Ray Vaughan. He was and forever will be the best guitar player to ever grace this earth.


Too many to list. I am big movie fan.


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Too many to list.


The Legend, Ron Burgundy.

AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE! The mother land!

Meet my new pup ROXIE!!

My Blog

My hero George Carlin has died... :(

I just can't even tell you all how sad I am right now. George Carlin has died.He was by far my favorite comic of all time and is the reason I even attempted to get up on stage and become a comic. He w...
Posted by Ty on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 07:28:00 PST

Say hello to my new pup...ROXIE!!

Just picked up my new puppy on Sunday. Her name is Roxie and she is an 11 week old Chocolate Lab. She's just perfect.Check out her photos in my albums or here:http://gallery.mac.com/tbearde100071...
Posted by Ty on Tue, 27 May 2008 11:31:00 PST

The MOST IMPORTANT video you will ever see in your lifetime.

ZEITGEISTFor those of you that know me well, you know that I have always been fascinated by organized religion and government. In fact, I spent three years of my life researching ALL religions, but mo...
Posted by Ty on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 09:50:00 PST

Give it up Republicans! The B.S. doesnt work anymore!

Why do all these lying Republicans keep trying convince us that the average American's taxes are going to be raised if you vote for a Democratic candidate?!! It's B.S!!!!Both Hillary Clinton and Barak...
Posted by Ty on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 03:57:00 PST


Even thought I DO think our government and other goverments were involved in the 9/11 attacks (see "The most important video" blog), I thought this video was hysterical!!9/11 Conspiracy Theories &rsqu...
Posted by Ty on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 09:14:00 PST

FINALLY! The truth about the Iraq invation

Here is a video I found on youtube about the U.S. invasion of Iraq four years ago. It centers around what many have known for years...that the United States Dollar is in trouble. With the collapse of ...
Posted by Ty on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 08:27:00 PST

Me as Jack Nicholson

Here's a short film I did a few years back where I play Jack Nicholson as a bartender. You can't handle VERMOUTH! Don't know if he has actually seen this yet. I would love to know if he thinks I got t...
Posted by Ty on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 06:19:00 PST

Rest in Peace Lee Grodsky

On Tuesday, November 27th the world lost an amazing artist, performer, philosopher, comic and friend Lee Grodsky. I had known Lee for over 22 years and he was a dear friend to our family. I still can'...
Posted by Ty on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 09:15:00 PST

This is YOUR President...because I certainly didn’t vote for him!

If you still believe that this guy was elected into office FAIRLY after watching this video, you've got to be more idiotic than HIM!There is no way in hell this guy is the leader of the FREE WORLD. He...
Posted by Ty on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 09:27:00 PST

A poem for Sadie

This poem was sent to me by someone who didn't even know me or my dog. She was told the story by a friend of mine and she felt compelled to write me this amazing poem. I always used to tell Sadie, "yo...
Posted by Ty on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 12:06:00 PST