(copied from LJ because I'm lazy like that): 80's music, aclu, alternative medicine, animal rights, animation, anime, anti death penalty, anti-bush, bettie page, candy, care bears, cartoons, civil liberties, civil rights, corsets, costuming, criminal justice, cute things, dean for america, debates, democrat, democratic party, dubs, eastern medicine, eastern philosophy, edward gorey, enviornmentalism, erotic art, esoterica, eye of the poet, family, fantasy, fetishes, gay rights, george orwell, glam, glitter, gluten free, good friends, goth, gothic, happiness, harmony, heather church, high tea, hippies, honesty, howard dean, hrc, human rights, industrial, integrity, interracial relationships, jack sparrow, jewish culture, kindness, larps, life modeling, lilo and stitch, love, loyalty, meditation, mini buses, modeling, monsters, national public radio, npr, old school, organic food, pacifism, peace, peaceful demonstrations, peircings, philosophy, pin up art, pin ups, pink, pirates, political activism, politics, pro-choice, protests, puppies, rainbows, ralph cavallone, rpgs, sanrio, scott church, scottchurchgirl, scottchurchgirls, sewing, sierra club, soy, sparkly things, spelt, synth pop, tattoos, tea, the bill of rights, the constitution, the first amendment, tim burton, vampires, vegetarian cooking, women's rights, world affairs, zen.
I'd like to meet:
Likeminded people who aren't afraid of a good heated debate. Religious conservatives need not apply.
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I love me a good slasher. The more blood, the better. Zombie flicks, particularly B-grade, rule. I've seen more vampire movies than most people I know. I like cartoons, too. Love anime. And fantasy movies (Willow, Legend, Labyrinth). I'll watch just about anything for the first half hour but after that I reserve the right to get up and wander off if I'm bored. This rarely happens, though.
[adult swim]! Samurai Champloo, Inuyasha, Wolf's Rain, and Fullmetal Alchemist rule my world. (God I'm such a f*ckin' fan-girl LOL) Naturally I dig Family Guy and Futurama, too.
Also like: Law and Order (any version), Weeds, CSI, and ER.
"1984", "A Brave New World", "Fahrenheit 451", anything by Margaret Attwood, anything by Anne Rice, "Animal Farm", The Chronicles of Narnia, "The Life of Pi"...the list does go on
Alice Paul, Ang San Suu Kyi, Madeline Albright, Willie Nelson, Pierre Robert