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Tim - the coconutman

Coconuts are more dangerous than sharks - oh yes they are!

About Me

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I am Tim Straatmans and I am married for 26 years to Karen. We have 1 daughter named Danielle, she is 21 years old. My son Luke died in a plane crash last year 31-10-2006. He was 22, and my best mate as well. I started and run a company called Armflame Pty Ltd, we do major pipe welding and are one of the biggest poly pipe welding companies in Australia. I recently invented the Coconet - a coconut catching device.The demand for this is unbelievable and as such I have had to invent methods of manufacture, tree climbing devices and all sorts of things. You can see it on www.coconet.cc
Create Your Own Coconet Classic (see www.coconetclassic.net.au) is the most amazing competition we ever started. It started with the awesome kite surfers and is now 'arguably' the best kite-surf comp in Australia (certainly the biggest). So much so - it is registered as a genuine "Queensland Event" and the State Government put many dollars in to help us make it better. 2007 we decided to have a skate/inline/bmx comp and wow - how was that - over 100 entrants with at least 500 maybe 1000 spectators (I don't count heads, just look at them-hah) But what a day, what an Easter weekend -three full on days, extreme sports, extreme talent, extreme parties and extreme bands with our local Tannum 'in house coconet band' called "Epidemic Over" leading the charge - as they always do - they're awesome. Epidemic Over are actually going in to cut a CD next ten days - professional stuff - very impressed guys - I with you all the way - you know that eh! Bowen has had one Classic (being also 'Palmsafe')- had a good turn up lasy year - wait till Sept this year - yahoo. I have just written a book, had it edited and printed - it is about how your idea can make money - called Going Nuts. Only available through us at the moment - have to establish a distributer etc - y'know what its like

My Interests

I have a passion for sailing larger yachts, blue water sailing, long distance.My businesses are interesting to me,there is a lot of good I can do. I invented a Coconet - see www.coconet.cc and won the 2003 Australian Invention of the Year. Coconet Promo

Add to My Profile | More Videos I have been busy as trying to make it all happen because people all over the world want them - scary.We are called Coconet International. Also created the Coconet Classic - wow hasn't that gone places already - soon to be in Bowen and Fiji - then maybe Tahiti. Coconet Classic

Add to My Profile | More Videos I also own and run www.armflame.com which is one of Australia's Premier Gas and Poly Pipe instalers. We specialise in coal seam methane extraction, for clean energy, power stations, and city natural gas reserves.I do travel a lot, and not really in the capacity as a tourist. I am the type that needs 'something to do or a reason to be there'. I know east coast Australia VERY well, Fiji, New Guinea, Christmas Islands, Cocos. Ayers Rock (Uluru) is an awesome place - climb that and you know how fit you are - but awesome. Barrier reef I practically lived on it all my life, rain forest in and around Cairns, Port Douglas - that is what I call home town area. Love animals, people and really enjoy discussing all sorts of interesting things in the worldI abhor ignorance and conversely love intelligence. That doesnt mean smart it means intelligent - a 10 year old kid that figures out how to put a ladder beside the kitchen table to get a biscuit intrigues me, that is intelligent. TV virtually shits me, news is depressive and annoying because it highlights the inadequacies in humans.ABC runs some interesting things like New Inventors or talk back shows, otherwise I dont watch it. Interestingly I have no TV on one floor of our house, the floor where we eat and sleep, TV distracts conversation and turns humans into zombies effectively. OK if you want to veg out sometimes,, thats all. We are a blight on our own planet really. The ingenuity of many will save the masses I am convinced.waffle waffle waffle.... Coconet Classic 3

Add to My Profile | More Videos Hey I went to China , specifically Shanghai and Beijing, The Great Wall, Forbidden City, Hainan Island (for coconuts of course) and saw how massive that awesome place is. We westerners (especially Australia)havent got a clue how massive and populated places get. They are an amazing race. Recently went all over USA. Space shuttle program was amazing, Houston, Galveston, LA, Vegas, San Fransisco, Atlanta, Fayetteville, Daytona, all sorts. Great people, great place, I will go back one day for sure.

I'd like to meet:

I love meeting anybody and everybody. I dont have anyone in particular that I 'really need to meet'. People that have a great attitude, get on with life, respect their elders, love their kids and cherish their friends, thats what I like. No time at all for drugs but alcohol is a drug too isnt it... mmm better rephrase that.


Ranging from AC/DC,Jon Bon Jovi,Uriah Heap, Aerosmith Metallica, Supertramp, Nickleback, Greenday, JBT, Blues, Soul, some (some) country /western, basically all sorts. Anything that is sung with absolute passion and feeling, not just blurted out.


Best film ever to me is Shawshank Redemption. The Last Castle, Brubaker, Cool Hand Luke, The Green Mile that sort of genre I like. Also stories like Apollo 13, Castaway, Armageddon that sort of thing. Rob Roy with Liam Neeson is so well put together, the casting is unreal, they nailed it.


Not really into it much at all, too many things to do.


I wrote this book to give people a 'down home truth' about patents, what to do and what not to do - persistence and all things one needs.In my BLOGS you will find the 'back of the book' - what it is all about. It is self published and we sell them ourselves till I find a distributor. $20 dollars and $10 post and handle anywhere in the world.


There are heroes in all walks that I aspire to, a lot of them are unheard of and live just around the corner from you or me.

My Blog

kite surfing competition

Hi, Ever heard of Coconet and the Coconet Classic (www.coconetclassic.net.au). What's that you may well ask?..... Well, it is the biggest and richest kite surfing event in Australia.Been running...
Posted by Tim - the coconutman on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 04:42:00 PST

Inventions, ideas and making money

As a self made multi millionaire, I reckon I understand what people need to do to get money. I was raised 'on a shoestring budget' and have struggled through early life, marriage and children then inc...
Posted by Tim - the coconutman on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 04:31:00 PST

Book Writing

Seems Like everyone is writing a book, and so have I. called  "Going Nuts" - "How your idea can make money". Why - because I invented a coconet (see www.coconet.cc). It won the 2003 Australian In...
Posted by Tim - the coconutman on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 07:10:00 PST