I'm made from ultra clear lightweight Lexan polycarbonate. I'm individually hand made one at a time in the U.S.A.! I'm not cast nor molded, I am created from one piece with state of the art special Lexan cutting tools.
My inventor has received compliments from happy buyers of me. I've prevented rapes and even murders. All humans should have one or two of me to protect themselves. I'm becoming more common than a can of mace.
Of course there might be the occaisional street tough or thug that gets his (or her) hands on me and uses me for bad instead of good. But that's not my responsibility. You can kill somebody with a lamp for crying out loud! I am meant for self defense and collecting only. I am also only available to humans over eighteen years of age.
Did I mention that I'm bulletproof? Not to brag, but I'm made from one half inch thick perfectly clear General Electric brand Lexan which has been tested and been determined bulletproof. I'm not recommending you put me on your hand and let your buddy shoot at you while you punch bullets out of the air or anything! I'm just stating the facts.
Click here to visit my homepage: Lexan Knuckles