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Mr Proteus


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The blind shall lead the blind… Misinformation runs rampant in this war-torn wasteland known as secondhand INFORMATION, and at the front line in this battle stands the imbecile…alone. Question all information as if your life depended on it.Surround yourself with those whom you trust with anything of value: your mind, your freewill and your sense of decency, for THEY will keep you on the straight and narrow…Life is BLACK and WHITE, RIGHT and WRONG…there are no “grey areas”. You adapt and assimilate to your personal surroundings or you die… From birth, we have been programmed to think, act and feel the way society believed to be “acceptable”, believing that one day we too could grow up and raise our children to be mediocre citizens…average at best. This is in fact, a falsity…an undeniable inaccuracy perpetuated by the masses to conceal just how deeply disturbed and deprived people truly can be. The time for diplomacy has now come to an end and actions speak louder than words...challenge the system that spawned a rebellious offspring. Deceivers come in many forms, from the words on the back of a cereal box to the highest seats in office. Because someone believes in a concept wholeheartedly does not warrant belief from others. Pick and choose your alliances very carefully. Oil, electricity, gears, data boards…these are essential elements for the average robot. You are not a ROBOT, rise above as an individual and voice your own opinion. Whether you agree with a certain mindset or disagree emphatically, YOU are you own series of thoughts patterns and the voice for the ideas therein. Much like the need to feed and procreate, AGGRESSION is an indispensable part of our inherited genetic make up. Regardless of ones geographic origin, the need for hostility has sustained us as a people since the dawn of man. The strong and the brave reap all the benefits this world has to offer, while the weak fall victim to “progress”…be the victor and not the victim. Obsession is a WEAKNESS… learn to let go of that which does not wish to be held onto. A person, movement or idea should be allowed to grow on ones own. Ascend to a logical consciousness in which you are the sole deterrent of your own destiny. If fit were up to those who currently facilitate our lives, we would all be subservient cattle, blissfully swaggering to the slaughterhouse. THINK for yourselves. Love is but an illusion, designed for the weak willed, the desperate and the HELPLESS romantic. An illusionary notion once used by poets and writers has now mutated and given way to obsession which introduces one into a warped sense of reality. Identify a sickness as a hindering obstacle and destroy it. Logic prevails… Allow the thoughts and ideas to flow through you, for they are pure in nature... Pay close attention to the words used by others, all the weapons you might need are commonly handed to you by the people you aim to destroy. More often than not, a person will provide you enough “AMMUNITION” to identify hypocrisy and lies. The mystery of life can be solved within a few words…act now, the future is yours! Pollution is a constant reminder of what we once considered valuable and have since deemed disposable, thus, discarded. When is an empty box GARBAGE, when is used motor oil measured DISPOSABLE, when are people measured as an “ACCEPTABLE LOSS”? A REVOLUTION begins with an idea. Words can be WEAPONS when used in a precise manner, either when used as an ascending element or when used to destroy a fragile psyche. Pick and chose your words carefully my bunnies, measure the situation and apply accordingly. Sanctimonious UNITY is what separates us for the animals. Surround yourself with those who will enlighten you as an individual, as well as when you take another as your own. Do not settle for anything less. A REBIRTH in wisdom is what I offer. Who amongst you shall deny this gift? I offer you unambiguous vision, inner comprehension and the ability to recognize charlatans and the uninspired. Possessions are designed to weigh down ones soul as it cements the unsuspecting participant to whatever meaningless job, geographical location or belief system once considered “sheik”. The harder one works, the deeper one permanently sinks into debt. Inevitably BECOMING a part of the landscape is the fate you’ve designed for yourself. Eat of the fruit fallen from the Tree of Knowledge… it sprung forth our entire EXISTENCE. Can the delectable fruit from the same tree be injurious to the same species of which it created? We must all hold reverence towards something within our respective lives…although; to what extent and lengths must we go to in order to prove ones DEVOTION? Would you brand yourself to prove your worth much like cattle showing allegiance to a ranch? The vast majority of the populous are just those…cattle, heading towards the slaughterhouse. Lessons are learned, not taught. Personal experience will never replace that which is learned in a book. First hand knowledge through EXPERIMENTATION of all that this life has to offer you is immeasurable. Family is the tie that bonds. For many of you, this is a luxury that you have gone far too long without. We are your family now, we share the same visions of HOPE, we share the same ideals held within…we accept you for who you are. Thought without reason is REASONLESS. Understand a motive before accepting a point of view. I’m quite sure if a bear could talk, it would whisper the sweetest of concepts to an eager fawn. Question everything. Ignorance will OCCUPY and inundate any and all areas of the mind, body and soul. One must fill the void with logic and reason, although not always “pretty”, a well thought out system of logic and understanding can overcome blind hatred. An inept consideration and ACCEPTANCE of oneself will ultimately give way to the acceptance of others. Varying lessons learned in ones lifetime will assist in ones personal growth. ALLEGIENCE to an ideology can be considered detrimental to ones communal growth. “Faux-Communism”, the ridiculous belief that we (as a society) would be better off treated as equals, considering that the average human being is below the MENTAL status quo is deplorable. Only the government needs a society overflowing with well behaved, homogeneous androids looking, acting and speaking the same. You are an individual… Fear introduces us to mistrust, mistrust gives way to hatred and hatred paves the way for violence. The solicitous individual has no fear! TRUST in that which is based on faith and will not attack unless threatened. If one wishes to loose weight, one would diet. If one wished to purchase a vehicle, one would save money. If one wished to gain knowledge, one would READ. Read, understand and implement ideals which one wishes to see “grow”. FAITH is the determining factor that allows the blind to see, the deaf to hear and the mute to talk. An unwavering and steadfast belief in the system that gave you “the vision” can not be taken away from you. Apathy = Death. There are no “victimless crimes”. We are all connected; we all share the responsibility when turning a blind eye to the INDESCRETIONS of others. You are just as responsible as the assailant when you choose to do nothing. Inner demons dwell within each and every one of us. Inherently planted deep within our psyche and laced with INSECURITIES. There are those among us who opt to suppress and deeply bury these impulses, still there are those who thrive on the chaos and mayhem brought on by such internal turmoil. One should neither bury nor completely allow such emotions, for they will be the death of you either way. Television: The eternal PSYCHOLOGICAL swampland. The images displayed spring forth fictional ideals which fill the viewer with superlative principles of questionable morals and fairytale resolutions. None of life’s problems can be resolved by heeding the advice of the latest pop-culture icon, for by example; they are far more dysfunctional than any “true life” situation. Life truly is stranger than fiction. Regardless of which region of the world one hails from, there exists one all encompassing connector which unites us all, this bond being LAUGHTER. Despite the differences that we may have as a society, a religion or political affiliation…we can all have a good laugh knowing that it matters just as much as an additional hole in ones head. Not only will laughter increase ones prolonged life force, it also expresses joy regardless what the language. “STRENGTH in numbers”, the hallmark of any social movement. A drop of water into a puddle will inevitably create a pond, the pond will grow to form a lake and the lake will run to attach to the open sea. Will you be the one to drown in its all encompassing will? Rise and stand tall brothers and sisters! FIGHT the oppressive “lemmings” which tarnish any movement with half truths and a false sense of hope. Do not allow outside influences to determine who and what you shall become. Help others to LEARN what you already know. This is the basis for knowledge. One hears a fact and reiterates that fact to another people, they in turn continue to spread that fact until it has reached a number of additional people…thus the learning process succeeds. Help others to help themselves. The great educator… or so you might think. A television is just that, a television. It is not a replacement for a mother, a father, a loved one or a friend. A television can lie to you as it often does…unplug it and experience life first hand. Change is a concept which is not worthy of fear...embrace diversity. “Conformity”…some might consider it the definitive word when describing stifling, constricting sociological baggage. In medieval times, the average non-conformist would be openly ridiculed, tortured and ultimately put to death in a public forum for all to see, thus discouraging others that would otherwise find logic in a different mindset… this still holds true today. The signs are all around us… some of you are just more intuitive to read them. Open your eyes to the hypocrisy, open your heart to motives, and open your mind to logical ideas…only then will you be given a “real” choice. Most religions are based on fear… fear of eternal life, fear of eternal death. We are all the sons and daughters of man… nothing more. Man is fallible, so is faith… allow me to feed the masses...

My Blog

*Public Blog* An open letter to my enemies...

Humility, meekness and timidity& the three devastating traits presently on public display in the mind (and psyche) of your friend and humble narrator, Mr. Proteus. I have been forced to face some humb...
Posted by Mr Proteus on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 04:39:00 PST