Cede Dupont profile picture

Cede Dupont

Cede Dupont

About Me

Hello and welcome to my little soundarea on the myspace planet!
This is my music-related story.... :-)...........
I started playing guitar at the age of 12. Always having a deep interest in Rock, Blues and Heavy Metal music I always wanted to follow my heart as a songwriter and experienced my first steps in local bands in Basel-Switzerland (where I was born). In 1999 I joined german band SYMPHORCE (by that time on contract with Noise Records). In February 2007 we have released our latest record called „Become Death“ through Metalblade Records. The last couple of years we spent touring, and playing some of the biggest Rock/Metal Festivals (including Wacken, Earthshaker Fest, Summer Breeze, Progpower USA). Let's see which steps we are gonna take in the future days.....Andy, Dennis, Markus, Steffen: I love you brothers! ;-)
From 2001 – 2005 I have been involved in a second band called FREEDOM CALL (label: SPV) where I recorded 2 studio albums and 1 live album. Also here we have been on extending tours all over europe.
A new chapter opened in early 2008 when I decided to form a new band called DOWNSPIRIT. It combines Blues and Metal, something I always wanted to do. We're still in progress to get everything really started, I'm really excited about this new babe in my life :-)
I have also been involved in a couple of sideprojects and guest-recordings (such as for french band "Manigance", german bangers "Dark Age" and brazilian Band "Sagitta", just to name a few), this is always fun!
I see myself as a songwriter (not only in Metal music) and live artist. I take every chance to follow the path I was dreaming on as a 12 year old. Playing guitar as much as possible, taking every chance to play concerts (I hope this break isn't gonna last forever godamnit!!!!) as much as possible is as important to me as to release good albums....
2000 Symphorce Sinctuary
2002 Freedom Call Eternity
2002 Symphorce phorcefulahead
2004 Symphorce Twice Second
2004 Freedom Call Live Invasion
2005 Freedom Call Circle of Life
2005 Symphorce Godspeed
2007 Symphorce Become Death
Besides the bigger part of my life, - music - , I like riding my Kawasaki Ninja ZX7-R, hanging out with my friends, going to the movies, try to explore the world, watch King of Queens......and have a wonderful time with my girlfriend....that's basically my life, ......... ;-)
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests


Member Since: 3/13/2007
Band Website: symphorce.net / myspace.com/downspirit
Band Members:

born: March 22nd 1979
place of birth: Basel, Switzerland
hometown: Zurich, Switzerland
favourite drink: Gin Tonic, Red Wine, Beer
favourite food: Greek, Chinese, Indian,
favourite movies: The last Mile, Braveheart, Crossroads, 007's, Bad Boys, everything with titts and ass :-))
favourite actors: Tom Hanks, Mel Gibson, Will Smith, Nicolas Cage, Jim Carrey......
favourite TV series: King of Queens, Lost, Sex and the City (I had to....), Malcom in the middle

Influences: for my personal playing:
Guns n’ Roses, Metallica, Mr. Big, Skid Row, Jimi Hendrix, Paul Gilbert, Slash, James Hetfield, Dimebag Darrell, Eric Clapton, John Lee Hooker
Sounds Like: brilliant, awesome, fantastic, fabulous, unbelievable, fuckin' good :-)
Record Label: curr. unsigned, prev. on MetalBlade and Noise Rec.
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

new band - DOWNSPIRIT

Hello all my crazy friends Today I have something great to announce. A new f...n. band!!!!!!!!!!!!   I always felt like combining traditional blues music to my metal roots, so here it is: DOWNSP...
Posted by Cede Dupont on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 10:09:00 PST

NEWS and UPDATES 17.06.2008

25.05.2008 Check the new blog about DOWNSPIRIT, my new band. www.myspace.com/downspirit   25.05.2008 Uploaded some new video, see other blog.   08.04.2008 Today, I got a fantastic gift ...
Posted by Cede Dupont on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 03:15:00 PST

new video uploaded

Hi all I uploaded some video from my old Freedom Call days.This show back in 2003 is still something absolutely unique to remember.... Wacken - main stage - 30'000 fans - enough said. Go check it out ...
Posted by Cede Dupont on Mon, 26 May 2008 09:37:00 PST

Atmosfear instrumental track added

**NEW** instrumental track added 03.04.2008 Howdy hoo everybody! Added some new instrumental music to my page, hope you all enjoy it! I just had this idea a long time ago, and since I got tons of po...
Posted by Cede Dupont on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 06:52:00 PST

MeloDrama instrumental track added

24.02.2008 I spent the last couple of days writing, recording and messing around with my first instrumental track called "MeloDrama". Being totally free to make a long guitarsolo on a whole track was...
Posted by Cede Dupont on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 08:26:00 PST

Metal Hammer Okt. 07

Posted by Cede Dupont on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 01:21:00 PST

Equipment blabla

Here we go, people ordered, I serve the meal :-) NEW-setup 2007: ENGL Savage 120 Furman Power Conditioner Engl Z-7 midi interface Rocktron Multivalve Effects Sennheiser Wireless System Korg 19" racktu...
Posted by Cede Dupont on Wed, 16 May 2007 10:04:00 PST


Hi there I uploaded some links with interviews for Become Death: german: http://allover-ffm-rock.de/joomla/index.php?option=com_conte nt&task=view&id=1746&Itemid=348 http://www.metalfactor...
Posted by Cede Dupont on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 09:04:00 PST

new endorsement deal

I'm very proud to announce that me and Gibson Guitars will work together for the future. As soon as I receive my new guitar I'll post some thoughts about it. Finally I get myself a Les Paul agai...
Posted by Cede Dupont on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 10:18:00 PST

Symphorce Become Death Trailer

A "trailer" for SYMPHORCE's upcoming album, "Become Death", has been posted online at the group's official web site, www.symphorce.net.Due on February 23, 2007 (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) and Febr...
Posted by Cede Dupont on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 02:47:00 PST