Elydjah... Imaginologue profile picture

Elydjah... Imaginologue

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me


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Yannick Elydjah MEYO, I'm French and Gabonese and I imagine concepts of events and universes which are telling stories and sharing different kind of cultures with as people as possible...

Events and spectacles… both are always fundamentally human encounters. Our profession is creating and organizing such encounters. We do so with a combination of passion and determination. Because caring for the public - its enthusiasms and its emotions - represents human capital to us, we deliberately integrate the public into the conception and realisation of our events and spectacles. Right from the outset, we do our best to understand the public to whom our events and spectacles are addressed. The public’s implication and pleasure provides an incredible force to any event, manifestation,show or spectacle.

My Interests

I am open minded and always pleased to discover different kind of Music, Cinema, Art, Show, History, Sport... For my achievement relationships are very importent...

Que penses-tu d'un événement culturel international pour la Paix entre les peuples, en France?
Ca peut être sympa, pourquoi pas...

C'est de la bombe, c'est quand?

Ca ne sert à rien !

La France en a vraiment besoin !

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I'd like to meet:

I beg you Madiba, if you can hear me contact me. I deeply hope to see you befor you go to the land of our Ancestors...


Black Music : Afro Beats, Blues, Jazz, Soul, Funk, Reggae, Hip hop...


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Maximum Respects for all the Great (famous & anonymous) Women and Men of Peace and Liberty...