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**Ze**is her name

la certitude je la laisse à d'autres!

About Me

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My name's maeva .(maeva =welcome ) i'm just a complex.. human being... curious,eager to meet, discover, talk, share..and love .. My main interests are human, nature... and Human nature ... love so much... walking in natural and urban environments.., traveling far and also close to here (sometimes you find such treasures just near you...exotism is everywhere when your eyes want to to see it ... I'm just a simple person... with good heart ..
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My Interests

VARIOUS INTERESTSd'ailleurs pour la nature , pour nos enfants et pour nous , Enfants de la Terre .....N'hesitez pas a cliquer dans mon top friends ... sur AUJOURD'HUI -DEMAIN(SYLVAIN!)..eveil de l'esprit à la realité , Ode a la Terre, notre Maison ....... ....
Signez le Pacte écologique!languages, travel, nature , cities ,communication, hearing , animals , net when i'm addict .. no when i'm fed up !cinema, ART IN ALL WAYS ,anthropology, spiritual, .... details of dailylife, people in s treets, people in railwaystations , instant and snapshot concerts, festivals, trekking........., ethnology, photography...party around one fire ... with some friends . and guitar... near a little river ... and the humanitary ....about that .. let's check out:www.dailyvisits.com/daily.htmlThe page has 50 click-to-donate-free buttons for 50 different charity and humanitarian causes. ... or go to visit the page of my friend ADAM ....(friend list) each one of us can participe and act ... !

I'd like to meet:

WHO I'D LIKE TO MEET ,everyone from everywhere ... guys, girls, extraterrestrials... particules of life...light ...sounds...musics...arts... persons sensitives ... you .. her, him... them... everybody wanting express ...and share and communicate some people with rage of life and Love ... People with light in eyes.... wanting discovering... breathin ever more ....


ALL KIND OF MUSIC .. music in all forms ... from the minimaliest to the most complicated one ...insturmental .. digital ... traditionnal.. current 93 , aphex twin ... Amon Dûul , Pavlov's Dog, ... Betty Lavette .......rock, reggae Dub .. music screaming the soul of people... .... Tan Dun , Rokia Traoré, Cibelle,Coco Rosie, Pj harvey, José Gonzalez, Raul midon, The funk Brothers, Compay segundo, js bach, the strokes .. Noa, the killers ... iration steppa... dead can dance , bratch... lo jo , earl clugh, deus, .... musics provoking lot of Emotions, cry, shivers, opening my memories and my subconsciousness...vibes .... sounds.... all (yiddish,gitane), the classic the dub from UK... vibronics, iration steppa... (big up to mark and denis ) .. the bush chemists... easy stars all stars.... sista dayjah... the disciples, jonah dan... and also the reggae... (earl chinna smith, the upstetters...) the soul.. (funk brothers... )........ ...the roots, the dub machinistand Iplant from bordeaux (let's go .. they're on myspacemusic..(friends list) da fugiting.... maria bethania ... bebel gilberto.... john frusciante, the vines, bazbaz, Jah mason... mungo's Hifi... cibelle .... Karpatt... orange street... ibrahim ferrer.. and more and more .... alan stivell... tha mamas and the papas ... De kift, B.O de snatch, fight club.... and more and more .... Afrobeat ... fela, kokono.... ......FeoGasy....Daau ... david huston, Jan garbarek, atari teenage riot ...De kift, turin brakes .... ...Jehro Aime .. carlihos brown .. , Noir desir , Die Prinzen ..(héhéhé) , Paul st hilaire and all the singers from Rythm and sound .... and so much more ... luzmila caprio .. louis cesar ewandé .. Tribalistas , Barbara, ferré ... Higelin ... The tefafano sisters (makes me laugh HIP HOP culture . Qbert .. mix master mike .. Doze .. Dj shadow.. krush ..cut chemist .. x-ecutioners ..... lulu borgia , dead can dance , luzmila caprio .. carol cool , Family choice , the soul Syndicate , James jameson , jack ashford, .. eddie bongo , ..track list of my profile .. COCOROSIE , GANDHI, ZONG, JOHN FRUSCIANTE , . AVICHY TUCHMAN .. ... SANYA BUDNA MAMY WATA raul midon ... and many others ....


WHAT BOUT' MOVIESTIM BURTON,GUY RICHIE, MICHEL GONDRY-the eternalsunshine of the spotlessmind , JEAN PIERRE LIMOSIN-Tokyo eyes, TAKESHI KIANO, KUROSAWA, TERRY GILLIAM, RADU MIHAILEANU-un train de vie/va, vis et deviens !... la ligne verte, fight club, ........Terry gilliam.... Munich de spielberg... freks.... brazil... ...le cinema asiatique... Olivier Assayas.. (IRMA VEP) The motown history ... scratch .. the soul syndicate


all wich is .. intersting for my heart, my eyes, and my spirit: documentaries about civilisations, countries, cultures, history, .... and all mysteries ...


Khalil gibran.. Jaques Attali "chemins de sagesse " Traité du labyrinthe .. Paulo coelho... Entretiens avec Juan Arrias ... et L'alchimiste puis y'a lui aussi .... François Mauriac .... le monde de HP lovecraft ... James redfield, Robert charroux... la baghavad gita.. krishnamurti,Roberto Juarrozles albums d'emmanuel Lepage .. (soluble et dissout) ... ... .... .... Albert jacquard, alex khan, elie wiesel.. Haroldo de campos "l'éducation des cinq sens " .. Blance Varela " el libro de barro " Hubert reeves "La Busqueda del Presente ". Octavio Paz ROLAND BARTHES .... Nuno junce ..


... my 2 daddys, my 2 momys, my 8 brothers and sisters.. my27 nephew and nieces.... my whole 2 families.... Elise , Fred, Ayako , Ruben , Niestchkus , Yvan, Js et freddy .. henry ... all my friends ....and all people having humility, simplicity...keeping ever smile .... and sense of humour ..never complaining ... '.., Sandro, Sylvio mon frère de Kanaki ...

My Blog

ris au lait!

hahahhaha !... je montrais justement a mon ami do Brazil, le si charamant a la gorge deployee ... sur ma page, corcovado HOt Boy !.. ce qu'etait l'espace.. d'ailleurs il sied en terre d'euskadi, en e ...
Posted by MISMA on Sat, 05 May 2007 08:47:00 PST

quand j'y pense !

Il est des mondes où je ne suis ni exclue , ni vraiment bienvenue .... juste mise en boite au fond d'un jardin secret qui n'est le mien .. et qui n'appartient qu'a leurs detenteurs .... j'avoue ...
Posted by MISMA on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 02:24:00 PST

Bazaa art !

Quand vient l'heure des flirts avec le lointain du temps .. paradoxalement si proche du coeur .... Autant de patchworks aggrafés a la memoire ... viennent cogner a ma caboche de l'ouest... du sud .. p...
Posted by MISMA on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 08:26:00 PST

Fantasy! ?

Hangover! Heartbreak of reality ..... feel so lazy to come back !EXpecting nothing particular ... just a quiet while to smile Far from Wars and stars ....... just breaking up the rule of correct behav...
Posted by MISMA on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 02:11:00 PST

Brin de Mue Gaie !

La vigne vierge roule ses grains acidulés par les premières faveurs du printemps .. Prime-vers les Bleux de l'amer , le verre de la terre et le houblon du crepuscule. S'enroulent les nuages au cloche...
Posted by MISMA on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 02:05:00 PST

por o momento de suenho ...

 Viens melanger ta langue à la mienne ..Laissons nous créer notre ABC d'air ... En balayant les frontières fantasmées d'un revers de  main ... Viens caresser le tanin de ma peau et les effl...
Posted by MISMA on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 08:53:00 PST

lettre a Sacha ..... !!!

  Sacha ,sache-le .. toi qui te cachais pour  les effeuiller maladroitement ..rythmant  leurs petales du son de tes croyances .. ne rougis plus ....regarde ce que j'ai retrouvé pou...
Posted by MISMA on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 08:59:00 PST

la fin ou le commencement ... verre a moitié plein ou a moitié vide!

Voila, tout est a sa place, ce qui n'y est pas . restera ainsi figé sur cette dernière impression....quelques dernieres respirations aussi ... le coeur gros ou léger, parfois aussi soulagé . ....l'imp...
Posted by MISMA on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 02:15:00 PST

.. la source !

En pluies acides ou torrents tumultueux.... Goutelettes perlant sur l'aquarelle grise ou vagues à l'âme, de la joie en grappes juteuses aussi .Tout y a sa place! M-(l)otions ! Quelqu'en soit l'or...
Posted by MISMA on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 04:59:00 PST

Miss Célanée and her wings ... .....

..... a few days ago ... I've passed Miss Célanée .... in an irish atmosphere  , ... well dressed in a classical style , with  hot red lipstick ...thin fingers, eyes full of t...
Posted by MISMA on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 05:08:00 PST