Killing Zoë profile picture

Killing Zoë


About Me

Zoë's Art - Killing Zoë - Frontyard International

Tod ist Kunst ist tot-Performance von Kemmy und Zoe:::::: ..

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

About Zoë's Art - Drawing & Painting
The artist takes her themes and motifs from her personal experiences with people. All her pieces of work carry a typical unconvential signature. The pictures are the result of the artist’s struggle with herself and her world. The origin of each picture is pure chaos which is gradually changed into distinct forms by means of a lively process.
A visit to The Gambia inspired Zoe to a series of pictures focusing on Africa. They show scenes of everyday life. Presenting them the painter is quite conscious of the fact that her view is prejudiced, but she tries to look at things without judging what she sees. It's her aim to show reality rather than kitsch or typical stereotypes -thus freeing herself from traditional viewing habits.
If you want to buy a painting just write a message or an email ([email protected]).
Or visit my postershop:
For more informations please visit my website

Copyright© Zoë's Art 2007


The artist takes her themes and motifs from her personal experiences with people. All her pieces of work carry a typical unconvential signature. The pictures are the result of the artist’s struggle with herself and her world. The origin of each picture is pure chaos which is gradually changed into distinct forms by means of a lively process.
A visit to The Gambia inspired Zoe to a series of pictures focusing on Africa. They show scenes of everyday life. Presenting them the painter is quite conscious of the fact that her view is prejudiced, but she tries to look at things without judging what she sees. It's her aim to show reality rather than kitsch or typical stereotypes -thus freeing herself from traditional viewing habits.

My Blog

Newsletter *** KUNSTGEBRABBEL ***

Abbonier den Newsletter von Zoë's Art!Die erste Ausgabe erscheint am 1. September 2008 unter dem Titel *** KUNSTGEBRABBEL ***. Frei nach dem Motto: Mehr Gesabbel und Gebrabbel - Kunst braucht Kommunik...
Posted by Killing Zoë on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 08:17:00 PST


Ab sofort sind Posterdrucke von meinen Gemälden erhältlich!Diverse Formate zu unschlagbar günstigen Preisen! Wenn ihr im Shop ein Motiv vermisst, schickt mir einfach eine Mail - auf Anfrage kann (fast...
Posted by Killing Zoë on Tue, 05 Aug 2008 03:05:00 PST

Kunstaktion von Kemmy und Zoe:

Am Samstag, den 7. Juni 2008 findet von 14.00 - 18.00 Uhr das Sommerfest des Südstädter Kulturfunkens statt. Den ganzen Nachmittag über wird es eine Kunstaktion von Kemmy und Zoë geben,...
Posted by Killing Zoë on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 02:19:00 PST

Modeln für Dr. Sketchys

Modeln für Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School?   Dr. Sketchy's ist das Kunsthappening, das zu einer echten Bewegung wurde. Es startete 2005 in New York und breitet sich seitdem über die ganze Welt...
Posted by Killing Zoë on Fri, 23 May 2008 05:02:00 PST

Dr. Sketchys Anti-Art School

2008 endlich auch in Hannover!Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School is when cabaret meets art school!Wenn Künstler ans "Aktzeichnen" denken, dann denken sie an sterile Räume, schlechte Beleuchtung und langwei...
Posted by Killing Zoë on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 01:51:00 PST