hating on things generally, music, shows, sleep, pretty boys, sarcasm, piercings, tattoos, hatred, horror movies, clothes, all things 7, the color pink, white chocolate reese's peanut butter cups, hair, hello kitty, being random, madness, private jokes that you'd never understand and I will probably never explain (hatecore kill crew, xxxstarvexcorexxx, and ofcourse, the almighty x7squadx), the beach, making fun of and mocking everything...always, vegetarianism (well, more like caketarianism), red bull and monster energy drinks, spending money I don't have, being lazy, taco bell, castlevania...
Being this awesome hurts
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
Humans that i can tollerate....
People that aren't lame, fake, liars, stupid, repulsive, preachy, and annoying ( i know, I'm asking a lot)...
No people that act hard, but really aren't. I just can't stand people that can't back up the shit they talk.
People with style, but no one that feels the need to be something they aren't to impress others. Impressing through faking is ridiculous and boring.
I don't want to know anyone that feels the need to create drama, I think people that embrace it are just pathetic.
Intelligence is always a plus, as well as people who can accept and appreciate sarcasm. If you can't, you'll hate me. Oh well, my life will go on unchanged.
Just people to chill with, go to shows with, sit around an be an asshole with, crap like that... Or ninjas... Can't go wrong knowing ninjas right?
Dani Filth would be nice too....
AGAIN.... DO NOT friend request me if you have never written me. i dont need random stupid looking people on my friends list just to stare at and not interact with. why the fuck would you just wanna be a number anyway? i sure dont. And if your profile is blocked.... dont think that youll be one of the FEW that i let slide through. I am not a human trading card.
You are Nikki Sixx's Groupie.
What rockstar's groupie are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Yep.... that seems about right lol!
and soccer player jesus hahahaha
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Hardcore, black metal, death metal, all the (metal-core and whatever the hell you want to label it as) shit in between, some emo, select ebm and industrial. i'm not gonna sit here and list em all :P
cradle of fear, the ring, army of darkness, evil dead, the nightmare before christmas, dracula, interview with a vampire, the crow, requiem for a dream, PCU, old school, kill bill vol.'s 1 and 2, identity, edward scissorhands, vampire hunter d 1 and 2, pirates of the carribean 1 2 and hopefully 3, se7en, donnie darko, the shining, once upon a time in mexico, dead alive, seven doors of death...all things horror, especially bad cheezy horror and weird asian shit like shutter, the mai......thats the fucking best!!!
FUTURAMA, courage the cowardly dog, INVADER ZIM, family guy and the majority of adult swim, simpsons, animal planet garbage, super gigantic saturday on the spanish station, you know, all the educational stuff
not like anyone would actually read this section and be like, wow, this girl is very intelligent and thus i would like to converse with her, so lets not pretend, and we'll just leave this field open to explaination if necessary.
In all sincerity, I look up to no one
but I do respect
tough ass nelbutt ha
and the officer deathmetal sausage bag of hate
and my 7xTxTxTxHx7, fistwaving, orb, fucker
and sidekick beth
and the damn californian i love ever so
and that hot ass sexy man ryan who makes me lose my breath ha ha ha
and the one who falls from trees and my pseudo-roomhate
and the throw it up diner dance squad
and my little leannejesus. but only when we are on safari
the blowdrier wielding assassin mother of the year
Thugsta Brennan
thugsta albert and thugsta frank
and ofcourse the Meghan
and my new drinkin partner clay
my one role model