striving to b the best Muslim that i can b4Allah!! profile picture

striving to b the best Muslim that i can b4Allah!!

I am here for Friends

About Me

My head is not bare And you can’t see my covered hair So you sit there and you stare And you judge me with your glare You’re sure I’m in despair But are you not aware Under this scarf that I wear I have feelings, and I do careThat I’m truly free This piece of scarf on me I wear so proudly To preserve my dignity My modesty My integrity So let me be i say with a smile I’m the one who’s free! -Unknown ..You look at me and call me oppressed, Simply because of the way I'm dressed,You know me not for what is inside, You judge the clothing I wear with pride,My body is not for your eyes to hold, You must speak to my mind, not my feminine mould,I'm an individual. I'm no man's slave, It's Allah's pleasure that I only crave,I have a voice so I will be heard, For in my heart I carry His word,"O ye women, wrap close your cloak, So you won't be bothered by ignorant folk".Man doesn't tell me to dress this way, It's law from God that I obey,Oppressed is something I'm truly not, For liberation is what I've got,It was given to me many years ago, With the right to prosper, the right to grow,I can climb mountains or cross the seas, Expand my mind in all degrees,For God Himself gave us liberty, When He sent Islam, to you and me -- Unknown i live in Crown Point,Indiana and go to Crown Point High school.well i guess theres alot 2 know lol!!! 1 of the most important things 2 know about me is that i am a Muslim convet.i converted on Wednesday,March 1,2007.i was formerly a Baptist Christian.i am now fully at peace with myself and my decision!!!i love Islam!!! and i love Muslims!!! i am a proud Muslim!!! and in sha'Allah that my mom will come around 2 it 1day!!! i will defend Islam 4 all of my life!!! ooo and i guess another thing 2 know about me is that i really really want 2 live in a foreign country!!! my dream place 2 live is Istanbal,Turkey!!! another dream place 2 live is Kuwait(SU)!!! another dream place 2 live is Egypt!!! any country in the middle east is a dream country 4 me 2 live in again SU!!!! i cant explain im just always sooo drawn 2 the middle east!!! well like 1 of u out there said wen i told u i had become Muslim,it was my nature really!!! i dont like hiding the fact that i am Muslim!!! its just hard sometimes!!! well just ask me things lol!!!! ask me my conversion story!!! well im a Salafi muslim and im proud to be!!!!!!!!!

My Interests

i love Islam!!!!!!!!!!i love being a Muslimah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im proud to be a Muslimah!!!!!!i love Allah subhana wa ta'ala more than anything or anyone else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love the Prophet Muhammad(salallahu alayhi wa salaam)!!!! i love learning about my deen and iman!!!!!i love working to memorize hadiths and the Qur'an in English and Arabic!!! i love learning science!!!!i love learning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love school!!!!i love learning math and history and english!!!!!!! i love learning Arabic!!!!!i love learning Spanish!!!!i love learning Turkish!!!!!i love learning Urdu!!!!!i love learning about the Prophet Muhammad(salallahu alayhi wa salaam)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love being wanted by Allah!!!!!!!i love being wanted by someone other than Allah!!!!!i love being loved for once in my life!!!i love my birth mom and my birth dad always and forever!!!!my birth parents both did the best they could for me!!!!!!i cannot blame anything on them!!!!!!!i cannot blame anything on Allah!!!!!it is all because of me its all mostly my fault and not theirs!!!!!!i love painting and drawing and coloring!!!!!!i love art!!!!!!i love doing art!!!!!i love writing!!!!!!i love making up storys sometimes but not like to anyone just like a writer would i hate doing that in real life about anything that has to do with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i love writing down what happens during the day usually!!!!!!!i love praying!!!!!!!! i love alot of things like reading good books!!!!!! i love long walks by myself!!!!!!!i love eating vegetables and fruits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love collecting various odd and unique things!!!!!!!!!!!! i collect the pepsi can designs!!!!!and i have some other collectable cans too!!!i love collecting certain cards!!!!! i love listening to lectures...specifically ones on Islam!!!!!

I'd like to meet:

Allah(God) Muhammad(saws) all of the prophets(pbut) all of u!!! Jesus(pbuh) Nermine Suheyla Mimi Lailah Patricia CJ my sister(Bridget)!!!!!Zakirah
Whats your attribute? idk Allah knows best
Whats your religion? i strive to be Salafi Muslimah
How old are you? 16
Where is allah? Allah is above the 7 heavens above his throne
What masjid do u attend? NIIC or Northwest Indiana Islamic Center
How long have u been muslim? Alhamdulillah almost 8months
Are u married? No
Do you have any children? No
As muslims what r muslims suppose to do? live according to the Qur'an and Sunnah
What do muslims believe in? Allah,His books,His messengers,His angels,the Qur'an,that Muhammad(salallahu alayhi wa salaam)was a messenger of Allah,tons and tons of things!!!!
Who is your lord? Allah subhana wa ta'ala
Who is your prophet? Muhammad(salallahu alayhi wa salaam)
Why were we created? to worship Allah subhana wa ta'ala and none other than Him no partners!!!!
If u were rich what would u buy? idk
How would u like to die? following true Islam
Where would u like to live? in any Muslim country
Whats ur first thought when waking up? Is it past Fajr?
Whats the name of the last obligatory salat of the day? Isha
Whats the arabic word for heaven? Jannah
How do u greet a muslim? Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatuallah wa barakatoh
What do u say when someone sneezes? nothing i know i should say something though!!!!
Whats the best place for the women? home in her home
How many wives can a muslim man have? 4
Do u wear niqab? No in sha'Allah someday soon!!!!
Name one shaykh?
How may rakahs is there in fajr? 2
What does a muslim women need from her husband in order to fast? permission unless its an obligatory fast
If women were allowed to bow down to anything other than Allah who would it be? their husbands
Are u down with poligamy? yes if Allah says its ok than i cannot disreguard what Allah whos the king says!!!!
How many times a day do u pray? i try and pray 5 times in sha'Allah!!!!!!



its haram!!!!


not alot of them lol!!!uhmmm Syriana;Tex;The Outsiders; That was then,this is now;


well nowadays i dont really watch tv but if i do i watch all the news' and that stuff as long as its educational or something good to do with Islam!!!!!!Linktv current tv Mosaic:World News from the Middle East; Global Pulse;Latin Pulse;Explore;Explorer;


The Holy&Glorious Qur'an thats for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as long as its not like a sexual 1 or anything!!! or a hate 1!!!!The Outsiders, Tex, That was then,This is now; the Hadiths 4 sure!!!!


Nermine Suheyla Mimi Lailah Patricia CJ Zakirah(4 many many reasons)(i cant speak of y b/c of her privacy)

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