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[as salaamu 'alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh]
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O' you who believe! Enter into Islâm whole-heatedly (by obeying all the rules and regulations of the Islâmic religion) and follow not the footsteps of Shaitân (Satan). Verily! He is to you a plain enemy.
[Al-Baqarah (2):208]

When you look at me, all you can see... Is the scarf that covers my hair. My word you can't hear. Because you're too full of fear , Mouth gaping, all you do is stare. You think it's not my own choice. In your own "liberation" you rejoice. You're so thankful that you're not me. You think I'm uneducated, Trapped, oppressed and subjugated. You're so thankful that you are free. But Western women, you've got it all wrong- You're the weak and I'm the strong, For I've rejected the trap of man. Fancy clothes- low neck, short skirt, These are devices for pain and hurt , Always jumping to the male agenda, competing on his terms. No job share, no baby-sitting facilities, No feeding and diaper-changing amenities.
No equal pay for equal skill- Your job they can always fill. Is this liberation? A person with ideas and thought, I'm not for sale , I can't be bought. I won't decorate any man's arm, Nor be promoted for my charm. There's more to me than playing coy. Living life as a balancing game- mother, daughter, wife, nurse, cleaner, cook, lover- And still bring home a wage. Who thought up this modern " freedom " Where man can love'em and man can leave 'em. This is not free but life in a cage. Western women you can have your life. Mine- it has less strife. I cover and I get respected. Surely that's to be expected- For I won't demean the feminine I won't live to a male criterion . I dance to my own tune, And I hope you see this very soon, For your own sake- wake up and use your sight! Are you so sure that you are right?
Common Arabic Terms Used by Muslims
compiled by me: Umm Abdullah
please remember these are only translations
As salaamu alaikum = peace be upon you
warahmatullaahi wabarakatuh = and the mercy of Allaah and the blessings of Allaah
>wa alaikumus salaam = and upon you be peace
Jazakallaahu khairan = May Allaah reward you
>wiyyakum(ul jazaa) = and may you all be reward also (plural)
>OR waiyyaki (you: femine) OR waiyyahah (you: masculine)
Alhumdulillah = All praised is due to Allaah (known as tahmeedah)
>YarhamukAllaah = May Allaah have mercy on you
>>YadeekumAllaah wa yuslih balakum = May Allaah guide you and set your affairs in order
SubhanAllaah= Glory be to Allaah (known as tasbeeh)
Allaahu akbar = Allaah is the greatest (known as the takbeer)
ta’ala = the exalted
subhana wa ta'ala = glorified and exalted (used after saying Allaah)
mashaa Allaah = Allaah wills it (used against evil eye)
inshaa Allaah = if Allaah wills it
fisibilillah = for the sake of Allaah
Barakallahu feekum = may Allaah bless you / increase you
Allaah yahdeena ilal haqq = May Allaah guide us to the truth.
(yahdeeki = you: feminine) (yahdeek = you: masculine)
shukran = thank you
>a’fwan/al’afw = you’re welcome
na'am = yes
laa = no
iman = faith
al haqq = the truth
deen = a way of life, religion
bid’ah = innovation
naseeha = (beneficial) advice
taqwa = fear/piety
tawbah = sincere repentance
maghfirah = forgiveness
nafs = inner desires, 'the lower self'
ruh = soul
ummah = the "Muslim nation"
talibul ilm = student of knowledge (male)
talibatul ilm = student of knowledge (female)
kafr/kaffir = disbeliever
kuffar = disbelievers
ahki = brother
ikhwan = brothers
ukhti = sister
akhawati = sisters
zawj = husband
zawjat = wife
The Zodiac Sign is Haraam
The Zodiac sign is haraam. No Muslim should have it on their page because of the non-Islaamic principles it adheres to and the shirk that it encourages. To remove the zodiac sign from your page (this is the old version of myspace, I am not sure if it works for the new layout) copy and paste the following to your 'about me' section of your profile:
.a {hide only Zodiac sign}
.userProfileDetail a {display:none;}
You must also put the > on the right end and the < on the left end of both of the words style for the code to work. (My doing so here will activate the code.)

My Interests

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Narrated An-Nu'man bin Bashir: The Prophet said "Both legal and illegal things are obvious, and in between them are (suspicious) doubtful matters. So who-ever forsakes those doubtful things lest he may commit a sin, will definitely avoid what is clearly illegal; and who-ever indulges in these (suspicious) doubtful things bravely, is likely to commit what is clearly illegal. Sins are Allah's Hima (i.e. private pasture) and whoever pastures (his sheep) near it, is likely to get in it at any moment. Beware, every king has a preserve, and the things Allah has declared unlawful are His preserves. Beware, in the body there is a flesh; if it is sound, the whole body is sound, and if it is corrupt, the whole body is corrupt, and behold, it is the heart." [Al-Bukhari Book 34, Volume 3 Number 267]

My Blog

Are Abbreviations Accepted in Place of the Full Du'a? NO. (ex: ASWRWB, SAW, SWT, PBUH, etc)

As salaamu alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuhu Many  muslims type and write abbreviations instead of the full saying, such as: SAW, PBUH, ASAWRWB, WS, WSWRWB, RA, RAH, JK or JAK or JAZAKS, etc.Howev...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Mar 2009 10:05:00 GMT

The Virtues of the Night of Al-Qadr

The Virtues of the Night of Al-Qadr Author:'Abdullaah Ibn Saalih Al-FawzaanSource:Ahaadeeth As-Siyaam (pg. 141-143) Abu Hurairah (raa) reported that the Messenger of Allaah (saws) said: "Whoever perf...
Posted by on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 20:57:00 GMT

Great Blessings in Ramadhan

As salaam alaikum wa rahmatuAllaahi wa barakaatuh Great Blessings in Ramadhan Here are a few ways to get great blessings in Ramadhan and outside of Ramadhan this year and all years to follow it insha ...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 21:34:00 GMT

Important lessons from Ramadhan

Allaah -The Most High - said: "The month of Ramadaan in which the Qur'aan was revealed, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance of the Criterion between right and wrong. So whosoeve...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 20:57:00 GMT

Jesus (alaihi salaam) is a Muslim.

Muslims recognize that Jesus (alaihi salaam) was born of a virgin, that he worked miracles, and that he, in fact, remains alive. We believe that an attempt was made on his life, but Allaah (subhana wa...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Aug 2008 13:00:00 GMT

The Explanation of the Meanings of the Names of the Prophet

Know that the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) has been called by many names and titles in the Qur..aan and Sunnah, each one of them describing a special quality of this exalted personality. A...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 01:01:00 GMT

The Invalidators of Islaam

   Know - o Muslim brother - that Allaah has obligated upon all of the servants to enter into Islaam and to hold fast to it and to warn against whatever opposes it. So Allaah sent His Prophe...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 19:37:00 GMT

Ten things one will never benefit from.

..> Ten Things You Will Never Benefit From by Shaykhul Islaam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah..> ..> Reference: Fawaa`id ul Fawaa`id of Ibn ul Qayim - Page 384..> ..>  ..> There are ten thin...
Posted by on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 19:34:00 GMT

18 Benefits of Salah

as salaamu alaikum warahmatullahThis taken from Mohamed.   We begin in the name of Allah the most merciful, the most gracious. In his excellent book, Zaad al-Ma'aad, in the section which includes...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 03:54:00 GMT

A Look at Islaamic Anasheeds

 Bismillahir-rahmannir-raheem A Look at Anasheeds In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful, I begin to write: In pre-Islamic and early Islamic history, anasheeds involved wh...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 08:01:00 GMT