Tankie profile picture


It's been swell but now the swellings gone down...

About Me

Crabby cocktail server from way back.....

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Old Time Halloween

My Interests

Art...Food...Wine...Tattoos...Beer (shoot, you can take the girl out of Wisconsin but you can't take the Wisconsin out of the girl...

I'd like to meet:

People that can make me laugh...


As long as I can understand the words I'll prolly listen to it...


Horror movies always peak my interest no matter how bad they are....I think it's due to late afternoon creature feature sessions with my mom. Thanks MOM!


Just a way abnormal obsession with reality TV....why live my own life when I can live someone else's...


Once again my interests turn to the more morbid and macabre. My 3 fav writers right now are Stephen King as always, Gregory Maguire for his interesting portraits of fairy tale characters youths, and Jeff Lindsay who is definately the breakout horror writer of 2004.


Capt. Crunch....for being able to serve me mouth grating cereal for a couple of decades, yet keeping me coming back for more...

My Blog

Fricken Birthdays....

So friends.... I turn 30 on Sunday....I never thought it'd actually happen. Everyone keeps telling me you start to really "find yourself" and start to get more respect from elders in your 30's. Even...
Posted by Tankie on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 10:58:00 PST