mittsy profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Well where do I start I am a fat assed lazy cat... I was born somewhere I don't know because I was picked up by this really ugly guy who smelled like cabbage and taken to this even worse smelling place with other me's. I really didn't like the other me's they were how do I say it DICKS!!! So thankfully I left with a less smelling guy and taken to some larger place. It has been fun here for these 12 years. I have filled out and lost weight. I lost a bunch last month... Can U tell??? Huh huh??? Anywayz I like to sniff other me's butts.. How else is one to tell who is who. No really try it U might just like it.Also be so kind to meet my best pussy Phantom

R.I.P Mittsy 2004

Hello this is a message from Mittsy's owner.. Before moving to where I am now Mittsy left one day at my old house and was never seen again... She was a old cat which I had since 5th grade. Now being 14 years later I believe she went off as many old cats feeling their age do and never came back... I posted a bulletin awhile back telling this. I am leaving this page up as a memorial to a very special cat named Mittsy.
Sincerely Mittsy's Owner Eric

My Interests

Licking my ass
Sniffing other asses
Making new friends is always good
Itching Fits

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and everyone who enjoys the company of a real pussy.


Puss In Boots