tour, paper, vinyl, chocolate, dog parties, pastries, rocks, isms, moving pictures and lights, underwater cameras, lingerie, water fowl, breeding, kites, non toxic polyeurethane
peoples from before and after, unexpected guests
gorch fock, tia carrera, oh beast, migas, boxcar satan, alice donut, bleach, sniffy 2, gong li, stinking lizeveta, grand ulena, laddio bolocko, the butthole surfers, the melvins, zulu as kono, hobble, switch hitter, karp, scratch acid, NOMEANSNO, school trauma flashback, john galt, bunkheel, attic ted, mc trachiotomy, transponder 5/3, lightning bolt, bellini, mono, kinski, lubricated goat, mico de noche, knife skills, big business, Lozen
jaws, jaws IV
the weather channel
anything by gorch fock.
gorch fock, homer, dudley moore, richard pryor, scott jernigan, randall j. biscuit turner,