Diane and the shell profile picture

Diane and the shell

Having Fun since 1997

About Me

"These four musicians from Catania, Italy are in love with the loudest volume of their amps and have a passion for angular and geometric, yet organic, song structures.The music brings to mind images of a lilting and sensuous dance thousands of feet above terra firma, caressing the outer limits of our atmosphere and roaring back down to earth like a jet airplane. 30,000 Feet Tarantella is a work full of moody irony, joy, and passion. Diane and the Shell illuminates a direct, powerful, and clear sound rich with allegorical metaphors, given life in haunting orchestral arrangements.The grace and sensitivity of their playing belies a maturity and wisdom far beyond their young ages.Their debut, The Red EP, churned forth progressive structures and mutant-disco provocations foreshadowing the fully realized work expressed with this release. 30,000 Feet Tarantella was recorded and mixed by Sacha Tilotta with the artistic production of Agostino Tilotta (Bellini, Uzeda) in one week of amusing and exhilarating delirium."(From Australian Cattle God & Nail Distribution Catalogues)
To promote his records diane and the shell toured U.S.A. and Italy. We love to play everywhere around the world.
To contact us please write to: [email protected]

My Interests


Member Since: 7/3/2005
Band Website: dianeandtheshell.net
Band Members: (in alphabetical order) : Alessandro Munzone, Giuseppe Schillaci, Luca Siracusa, Emanuele Venezia.
Influences: From videogames soundtracks to our daily life...maybe everything...why don't you ask to us?

Sounds Like: ’’Instruments?Set As Required!’’ videoclip:
’’Last Call’’ live videoclip:
Record Label: Australian Cattle God Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Italy tour 08

We are currently working to tour Italy in April : from friday  18 to sunday 27.These the upcoming shows:18 apr 2008    Epicentro  (w/ Dilatazione) - PaternĂ² (CT)19 apr 2008&nb...
Posted by Diane and the shell on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 02:09:00 PST

22/02/2008 Radio interview on Radio Gemini (h. 21.00)

22/02/2008 at 21.00 Radio interview on Radio Gemini.Listen to it through website : www.radiogemini.itor in FM : 103.10 Mhz (Provincie di Agrigento,Caltanissetta,Palermo)....
Posted by Diane and the shell on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 07:45:00 PST

30.000 Feet Tarantella Press Release - Read the reviews here!

Press Release "30.000 Feet Tarantella" (u.s.a/u.k./italy/germany)AllMusic.comSpiky semi-experimental post-rock from Italy, the debut full-length by Diane and the Shell mixes spoken word passages and b...
Posted by Diane and the shell on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 12:08:00 PST

U.S.A. tour ’08 cancelled

We are really sorry and sad to announce that for family reasons, we will not be able to tour in U.S.A. this March.
Posted by Diane and the shell on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 04:19:00 PST

Diane and the shell @ SXSW 08!!!

Diane and the shell will play at the South by Southwest (SXSW) '08, the annual american indie festival, based in Austin, TX. It will happen during a U.S.A. wide tour in March '08 with the super cool...
Posted by Diane and the shell on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 07:57:00 PST

Spring '07 Italian Tour w/ Hoovers

We are working together the Hoovers for  a short tour in Italy.these are the upcoming shows:(always in update! - stay tuned!)*Diane and the shell on tour* : 4.21.07     MESSINA ...
Posted by Diane and the shell on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 11:53:00 PST

30.000 Feet Tarantella - News about this release

*winter '06/07*The tour was fantastic. Hard sometimes but awesome!Special thanks to Australian Cattle God that make the tour possible and to everyone that supported us.Click here to see The American T...
Posted by Diane and the shell on Sat, 24 Dec 2005 01:33:00 PST