Domestic Humanity is a project formed by 2 people: Ãlex Sánchez & VÃctor Correa, Their passion by music made them meet in 1999, when they formed a Punk Rock band with VÃctor as guitarist and Ãlex as bassist, and later a NuMetal band with VÃctor as drummer and Ãlex also as bassist. After some years, they started with the electronic music, since they have always been great fans to this kind of music. In this adventure, they are opened to all kid of music, but with an evident special affinity to House, Electro & Minimal.
Domestic Humanity es un proyecto formado por Victor Correa y Alex Sanchez, su pasión por la música los une en 1999, y forman 2 bandas de punk-rock alternativ y nu-metal, Victor como guitarra y después baterÃa y Alex al bajo eléctrico. Después de su andadura por los escenarios de la zona, deciden emprender el sendero de la electrónica. En esta nueva aventura quieren hacercarse a sonidos House, Electro y Minimal.
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