I make music alone, with Crow Tongue, and Stone Breath... and sometimes with Black Happy Day, when Tara remembers.
Besides making music, I run a record label and mailorder with my wife, while she is a tinker and assembler of things fancy and creepy. See:
Dark Holler .. Hand/Eye
The Od Peacock
I draw, paint, and illustrate. I have had many gallery shows, not one of which I have ever sought out - but I will show, when asked. Most frequently you can find my spot illustrations in Morbid Curiosity magazine, but I have also drawn comics, record covers, and illustrated books with both my drawings and photographs.
I also make musical instruments - primitive yet functional, more mojo than flash - with pyrographic decorations to add to the atomsphere. MOTH instruments are all handmade, signed and numbered. Contact me for further details.
sing. love. pray.