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I've been putting off filling this section out for about a year I think. This is my second myspace, the last one kinda blew up on me. I think the most steadfast thing about me, the thing that's always been with me, is that I am always reaching out. Extending a welcome, offering love, support, companionship. When I was a little girl I used to bring home stray animals. My Mom complained to me when I was in my teens, she said , "Billie Ewing, you used to bring home stray animals, now you're bringing home stray people." I'm just driven to do that. I also analyze a lot, even analyze myself. So the way I see it, I guess it's because I know what it's like to be alone and and in need of support. I was raised in a very abusive situation. It wasn't my father, it was my mother. Something else that has always been with me is I love to be goofie, much to my poor daughters suffering. It seems I can be quite embarrassing when I'm dancing in the car at a red light. I got it from my father, he was goofie too. He used to love to walk around the house singing songs, but instead of the words to the songs, he just sang scoobie doobie doo. And I have a goofie brother. Such as the time when my daughter and I went to visit him and we were walking down the street and he started saying "tick tock tocket, in me pocket". I think he was referring to his watch. Lets see now, I have a husband, he's in my top friends. His space is The Richard Ronk Band. He's going to be a star some day. Hmmm, if I told you he was goofie too he would get upset with me, so I won't tell you he's goofie ! My daughter, my beautiful beautiful daughter. She's not goofie ! I wouldn't say such a thing like that about her, but I heard a friend of hers tell her she was goofie. She isn't in my friends list, as she doesn't want me to embarrass her on myspace too !! But she loves me, and oh how I love her. She's getting married in November.I'll miss my baby, but I know she's marrying a great guy and who knows what the future will hold for me now. Maybe I'll be a movie star ! I think I'll get a job, And I want to go back to school too.

My Interests

My interests ? My goodness, what DON'T I put here. Right now, the thing I'm most interested in is keeping my sanity. This world is going to hell in a hand basket , isn't it?

I'd like to meet:

It's better explained if I say who I don't want to meet. I don't want to meet any egotistical people. Oh healthy ego is good ! Just not the narcissistic selfish kind of ego. No mean people. Go away !! I guess I should put here that I'm a respectable woman, so although I have male myspace friends and I love having guy friends..... I'm definitely not trying to hook up on the Internet. I don't require that folks have the same faith or even if they have no faith, that's ok by me. Oh, I guess I should mention what my faith is, I'm what is now a days called a progressive Christian. Meaning, not a fundamentalist, not conservative, not right wing and not taking the Bible literally. But I do take it seriously and I do love it. I was fortunate enough to do a scholarly study of it for four years. And I don't evangelize either. Oh, and I belong to the Episcopal Church.They don't have to share the same political views either. There was a time when having a political debate with a friend was actually enjoyed. People actually learned from each other. Myself, I'm a registered active voter, a Democrat. Now, when I first became a Democrat, the term "Liberal" had just been coined. And it meant those who were for integration and against the Vietnam War. And we were not against the war because we hated the soldiers, that's a myth. It's because we loved them and wanted to bring them back home. They were fighting someone else's civil war. Sound familiar ? Back then it wasn't a dirty word like it is now, no ; not after we became the majority anyway !


Oh, music, sweet sweet music. I love it all. I used to say all of it but Punk. But I have made some new friends here on myspace, and they have managed to change my mind by my listening to their playlists. I will tell you about two of my favorite CD's for you to get an idea about how varied my tastes are. These are just two among many favorites, all very different. One is 11,000 Virgins, Chants for the Feast of St Ursula.Composed by Hildegard Von Bingen. She, Hildegard that is, was born of noble parents in 1098 in Germany. She entered a convent and eventually became the leader there. She experienced many visions, she was a mystic who shared her spiritual experiences by becoming a writer, a poet and composer. She wrote quite a few Symphonies. And this CD is based on the Symphonies for liturgical services celebrating St Ursula. St Ursula was the daughter of a British Christian King. Against her will she was betrothed to a pagan Prince. So how does a girl get out of this one. She told her mum and dad that she wanted to just go make a visit, but she really intended to escape this coming marriage. So, for three years she sailed on a ship bearing a thousand companions, girlfriends that is. (over the years the story got more and more exaggerated, hence 11,000 now) Well, they had to get off the ship SOMETIME , they eventually stopped in Cologne. And wouldn't ya know it !! The local chief there wanted her to marry HIS son. Naturally she refused, this girl had a mind of her own ! Well, the men weren't going to put up with that, so they killed them. All of them. The CD is very soothing, I recommend it highly. This next one shouldn't take so long. Big and Rich's CD called Horse Of A Different Color. OK, this is country music. But if you listen to it for the first time, you might not recognize it as such. They write all of their own songs and write them for a lot of other people too. It's Country Rock. It can really get me going. Get the house clean in no time flat. And besides, I have a BIG crush on BIG Kenny !Other wise I really do love it all. I have a penchant for Big Band Music, Jazz, The Blues, Soul, good ol' Rock n Roll (The Georgia Satellites and Black Crows kind). Bluegrass, Gigs and Reels, Country Rock, and the Bag Pipe ....... to name some of it.


Anything Johnny Depp stars in honey !


Ah yes, my dear friend the TV. Let's see, re runs of M.A.S.H.,re runs of Scrubs.The Sundance Channel and IFC. The History Channel, A&E, National Geographic Channel. Oh! The travel channel is good for daydreaming.


I don't read much fiction. But when I do, my favorite author is Rosamunde Pilcher. Her books are always based in Scotland and she has a way of discribing folks living simple lives with powerful stories in the background. She does a wonderful job of discribing clothing and food. Come to think of it , the weaather too. She can really put you right in the story with the characters that way. And I LIKE her characters. There's always at least one main character who is the salt of the earth type. The kind of person who enjoys wearing their favorite coat, well, basically for a lifetime. Ya know, they aren't into the huge buying machine like we have over here.Other wise I like to read about Theology, Psychology, Philosophy, and Mythology. I really like Carl Jung and synchronism.


My Daddy, JFK, Martin Luther King (I think he was a prophet and a saint),all of the young people in the Military (they're just kids to me),and the next President of the United States that ISN'T a republican ! I'll probably think of more later.