Fire Dancing! Jewellery design, Painting Mandala's, Fantasy art, Belly dancing, Kick boxing, Collecting Knives and Swords. Alternative fashion, Big black biker boots and lace!!(see if you can figure that one out) Body art - tattoo's and piercings, Anything weird and wonderful and unusual!Dragons, faeries, elves and piskys.Yoga - Blessings to my beautiful teacher Meg.
Fellow artists in all media, jewellery designers, crafty - arty people, earth souls, All who have passion for their chosen art form! I look forward to networking with other independant small business owners!Please do check my personal page - Morgan le Fay, if you would like to comunicate with me on a personal level, love and Blessings to all.....
All time fave - Marianne Faithful & Kate Bush. Current faves - Aaron Nash, Pendulum, spiderbait, evanessance, Gwen Stefani, Hilltop Hoods, Gorillaz, anything native american (love the drumbeats), Celtic music, Tribal music, All good aussie bands & jam sessions with my friends!
Sci-fi fantasy movies - Blade, Underworld,
Mists of avalon, Excalibur, Crank - watched it the other day and it's insane!
Not much, I prefer to watch DVD's
Anything that makes you think and inspires you to improve your life or the life of your loved ones.
Wuthering heights - Emily Bronte
All Terry Pratchett! Mad!
Diana Gabaldon cross stich series.
ALL MY FRIENDS - for counting me as their friend!People who make a difference in this world, no matter how small or big - as long as you try!