juliette - fretmajic profile picture

juliette - fretmajic

hand-made celtic wooden jewellery

About Me

HI AND WELCOME TO MY PAGE!first of all, l'd like to thank people that have found me and people that have welcomed me as a friend on myspace because l have already met some of the most wonderful and talented people from all over the world, that l would not have met otherwise! My name is Juliette, i am living in Galway, west of Ireland for the last 11 years and l have to say, this is home and l love it here. I have been making wooden jewellery for 10 years already and I sell it in the Galway saturday and sunday market. See the wee site www.galwaymarket.net/fretmajic.I make my jewellery using the pieces of wood left over from the musical instrument making workshop of my friend Paul Doyle. l use local irish woods like oak and yew, elm, cherry, walnut and other exotic woods from all over the world, like rosewood, ebony, pink ivory wood, cocobolo, boxwood...I also use the bog wood (bog oak, bog yew, bog pine) which is the wood that has been buried in the bog land for about 5000 years and that is in the process of becoming fossilized.(Bog wood was used throughout Holland for the black keys of harpsichord's in the 17th and 18th century. Many sculptors use it nowdays in Ireland).I make my jewellery using only hand tools. The reason for that is that i quite enjoy the sound of the hand tool working through the wood...a hand tool is quite silent compare to an electic tool...I use an 19th century archemidius drill (a gorgeous tool altogether!) using a 1mm drill bit..l also use a fretsaw, which is my main tool, I use a cheasel and different grades of sand paper for the finishing, a bit of oil, et voila!BONJOUR ET BIENVENUE SUR MA PAGE!Tout d'abord je veux remercier ceux qui m'ont trouvee et ceux qui m'ont acceptee en tant qu'amie sur myspace parce que grace a cet espace, j'ai deja rencontre les gens les plus merveilleux et les plus talentueux.Je m'appelle Juliette et je vis a Galway, dans l'ouest de l'Irlande depuis 11 ans et j'dois le dire, this is home, et j'adore! Je fabrique mes bijoux en bois depuis deja 10 ans et je les vends essentiellement au marche du samedi et du dimanche de Galway.Le bois que j'utilise pour mes bijoux provient essentiellement des chutes de bois precieux de l'atelier de mon ami luthier Paul Doyle. J'utilise des bois locaux irlandais comme le chene, l'if, l'orme, le merisier et le noyer et aussi des bois exotiques provenant d'un peu partout dans le monde comme l'ebene, le palissandre, l'ivoire rose, le cocobolo, le buis...pour n'en citer que quelques-uns... J'utilise aussi le bois des tourbieres (chene, if et pin) qui est le bois qui a ete enfoui dans la tourbe pendant environ 5000 ans et qui est en processus de fossilisation (le chene des tourbieres etait utilise a travers la Hollande pour les cles noires du clavecin au 17eme et 18eme siecle). De nos jours, de nombreux sculpteurs l'utilise en Irlande.

My Interests

Music is a big one for me...l grew up with music around me, i evolve in it and l believe l need music because music makes me feel...! I love listening to music and I love playing music, I play the recorder and the whistle, a bit too much on my own though...I will push myself to join some sessions...in galway, it's easy...live music is around! learning...l love wood work and musical instrument making, yoga, healthy eating and cooking!...photography... travels...to meet new people and try to blend with the culture, to immerse yourself in it and understand...

I'd like to meet:


individuals that have something sincere to share, are open-minded, open-hearted and non judgmental...


world music and folk, good guitar playing makes me shiver, john martyn, paco de lucia, jon hicks, nick drake,suzanne vega, '' harp slider, gotham ct, andre georgian'' (the names in brackets are members of my family: brother, sister and dad) so look them up under french music...serge gainsbourg, chanson francaise (a texte),


Brazil... Belleville, rendez-vous...midnight cowboy...Tarantino's movies...Pedro Almodovar's movies...la cite des enfants perdus...


hands, a great craft program by David Shaw Smith, david attenborough's nature program, the simpsons...


dictionaries, boris vian, haruki murakami, ernest hemingway, amin maalouf, good cooking books ,roddy doyle, science fiction,


*my mother Danielle, which is quite an inspiration for me as she's been raising her 4 kids, working, studying and being politically active most of her life...*artists (musicians) that are technically talented and are able to express their emotions all at once, their sensibility and beauty...

My Blog

instrument making

I have been working on and off for the last 10 years with my friend Paul Doyle, musical instrument maker in Galway. I first decorated his string instruments, cutting celtic designs in mother mother of...
Posted by juliette - fretmajic on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 01:30:00 PST

price list

my prices  start @ 10 euros+ pp for small pieces and go up depending on the design and wood you choose.  
Posted by juliette - fretmajic on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 01:22:00 PST