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Sunshine State

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My Interests

1. I was born in Burlington, Vermont—the Green Mountain State 2. Now I’m stuck in crappy Miami, FLA 3. I am an only child. 4. No, I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything. 5. My parents got divorced after we moved. 6. My dad works for a giant ad agency, making up sentences he called “copy.” If you’ve ever read the back of a cereal box, it’s possible Dad wrote the crap about starting your day with a smile. 7. He keeps notebooks full of stupid phrases like “clusters of wholesome, hearty bran” 8. My mama couldn’t wait to ditch Vermont. She bought a Sun Box lamp to banish the winter blues. 9. I am a Capricorn. 10. I can fold my tongue in half and wiggle my ears 11. at the same time. 12. I count things obsessively—my footsteps, my breath, my heartbeats 13. For me, all numbers have colors. They stretch hot to cold like planets in the solar system. 14. I live in the ‘burbs…Kendall, the land of flat, manicured lawns and kiddy pools 15. When I lived in Vermont, I never met Champ, the Lake Champlain monster 16. I hate the aquarium-taste of the ocean and the way it stings my eyes. 17. I hardly ever go to the beach 18. except at night 19. I am currently first chair clarinet in my school Honors Band 20. My mama eats tuna from the can like a cat. 21. My dad used to cook all our meals. He taught me the definition of al dente pasta (“If it sticks to the wall, it’s done”). 22. Mama watches the Food Network and the Weather Channel all day…but she doesn’t cook or go anywhere. 23. I was on Paxil for a while 24. It made me more depressed 25. I used to wear my hair long, but it tangled too easily. 26. Now it’s ice-skater short 27. I’m allergic to jewelry. 28. I only wear pearl earrings coated in clear nail polish. (to keep my earlobes from puffing). 29. I love black jeans. 30. I wish I grew up in the 1980s. 31. My favorite movies are from that decade—Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, Ferris Bueller, Labyrinth, Goonies 32. I suffer from insomnia 33.When I can’t sleep, I channel-surf for hours 34.I also keep a Walkman under my pillow 35. I can’t afford an Ipod 36. I don’t really want one either. 37. I make mix tapes on cassette 38. I tried Saint John’s Wort and it did nothing for me. 39. I'm taking GNC daily vitamins for women. It has lots of weird stuff in it like bee pollen, whatever that's for. 40. Dad wanted to name me Noel since I was born on Christmas Eve. 41. That night, it snowed. 42. Like the snow, Dad says I was a surprise. 43. I know exactly what he means. 44. I like to eat Honey Nut Cheerios for dinner. 45. Sometimes I laugh when people get mad at me. 46. I really wanted to be a veterinarian 47. But I can’t stand to see animals in pain. 48. I am legally blind without my contacts. 49. I never wore braces. 50. But I still have one baby tooth that never fell out. 51. I believe in Chaos theory. 52. I kick ass at Galaga. 53. I am an Interpol fan 54. the band, not the international police 55. I have a major crush on Carlos D (but it’s not like I’m Goth or anything) 56. The subway is a porno. 57. You won’t find many parks in Miami. 58. Except the ones that charge admission. 59. I still climb trees 60. I will never grow up. …to be continued…


the Smiths, The Go! Team, the Cure, the Decemberists, the Pixies, the Killers (bands with "the" in the title)...Interpol, Arcade Fire, Postal Service, Sigur Ros, Bloc Party, the Velvet Underground, any classic rock that my mom blasts in the car...fischerspooner, David Bowie when he wore makeup...


Labyrinth, Amelie, the Dark Crystal, Breakfast Club, Lord of the Rings, Garden State, Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Last Unicorn, Kill Bill, Napolean Dynamite, Spirited Away, Ella Enchanted, Ferris Bueller's Day Off...basically i looove anything from the 1980s!


MTV sux but sometimes I find myself watching those True Life documentaries(Whatever happened to showing music videos?) Viva La Bam/Jackass...whatever. I'm more of a channel-surfer. I can't watch anything for too long without getting bored.


The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Zoe Trope, Fat Kid Rules the World, Gingerbread, Sloppy Firsts, Sarah Dessen, Blake Nelson, Brave New Girl, Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, and, of course, The Catcher in the Rye (though the people who say that's their favorite book are usually very annoying)

My Blog


My blog must end...but my story goes on in Total Constant,Frances Isabelle NashFIN...
Posted by Fin on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 06:08:00 PST


Posted by Fin on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 05:01:00 PST

what are you supposed to be?

Posted by Fin on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 08:13:00 PST


The good news: I got my braces off!The bad news: I have to wear a retainer......
Posted by Fin on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 08:12:00 PST

crush with eyeliner

Monday morning assembly. I only recognize half the sleep-creased faces in the auditorium: the girl with the neckbrace (like those donut pillows old people wear on planes), the guy who's always got a t...
Posted by Fin on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 10:08:00 PST


Sitting in the parking lot at Starbucks across from U.M., I lean back in my plastic chair, inhale car exhaust, and sip my "coffee sundae." An endless stream of blue-jeaned student-types are in a real ...
Posted by Fin on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 12:12:00 PST

famous people

My dad drags me to his girlfriend's house over the weekend. There's nothing to do. Except spy.I like to snoop in here when she's not home. This is what I found:A dried wasp lies on the living room flo...
Posted by Fin on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 03:32:00 PST

inner loop

Thayer hops off the Metrorail at Government Station. I get on the inner loop. By the time I realize that he's left without me, I'm rolling down the tracks. He's got major ADD and he never eats his Rit...
Posted by Fin on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 05:17:00 PST


"Who put you in jail?" a woman at the fair asks the so-called "demo," a little blonde boy who "looks like an angel." The jail is my family's contribution to the church fair. The structure itself looks...
Posted by Fin on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 07:18:00 PST

why i hate "back to school" shopping

Posted by Fin on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 10:09:00 PST