All kinds of music is so emotionel and powerfull, that it´s impossible for me to explain in words!
an english version will soon be ready.
PLEASE READ BELOW FOR PERSONAL INFO, (but I might want to add that I really enjoy a glass of rich fullbodied Pinot Noir, if not then a tripple Havana Club with lots of ice and Coke!)
This trailer shows some of my work as a drummer in the famous danish pop/dance act Infernal
I´m 39 years old and a proff. drummer from Copenhagen, Denmark. I have been playing drums since I was 14 years old. I have been playing everything from small clubs to big venues and TV shows, and almost all kinds of music styles. For a couple of years now, I have been working and touring a lot with a famous danish pop/dance band called Infernal. A very exiting and challenging band to work with.
The mix between the acoustic and electronic sound/elements creates a powerfull and entertaining concert. Besides that, I practice a lot behind the drums, to gain even more power and control, and to develop new and interesting chops and sounds! Please take a look at my videoes and homepage:
for more fotos/videos/soundclips etc.
My Interests
Member Since: 3/6/2007
Band Website:
Influences: Everything which moves and touches me..!!
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None