I wanna meet people like this!
I suckled at the teet of punk and drank it's sweet milk.
black flag - thirsty and miserable
Uploaded by jesus_lizard
But, I grew up on some rock, too...
But mostly punk...
But for the best part - PUNK
And Cheap Trick!
But everyone has their guilty pleasure song
Ah.... Fuck that shit. Really, most anything is okay - with the major exception of boy bands and country music. There's something about rednecks and the selling of pre-teen faux homosexuality that makes my skin itch and break out in hives.
But don't worry. I like you. You're a nice person.
You're not really gonna make me answer this, are you?
It would take me too damn long to go through the list.
But don't worry. I like you. You're a nice person.
The Daily Show, Scrubs, Grey's Anatomy, MSNBC's Countdown with Kieth Olbermann, The Office...
But don't worry. I like you. You're a nice person.
Things about Punk Rawk-n-Roll, history, politics, economics - but mostly Punk Rawk-n-Roll, history, politics and economics.
But don't worry. I like you. You're a nice person.
Bobby Kennedy, FDR, John Maynard Keynes, Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, Gore Vidal, Jimi Hendrix, Cheap Trick, Black Flag, Seattle Supersonics
But don't worry. I like you. You're a nice person.
And you're probably fucked up just enough to get on this list.
(I must give an "All Hail, I'm Not Worthy" to Mr. Zack Static . Without whom I'd be sitting on my hands, going insane without my music. Well, his music...)