Sun! Sea! Socialism! profile picture

Sun! Sea! Socialism!


About Me

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Wanna know more? Umm... Uh... A quick synopsis: A faded rock star; a drummer extrordinaire; a man about Tokyo; a musical genius; a political bastard; a political guru; friend of the working man; antagonist to the fat cats; someone who really likes his cats; a cool cat; a sly dog; a son-of-a-bitch; a man who doesn't worry because he likes you. You're a nice person.

I am an Edwards man all the way... But since he was unfairly pushed out of the race by the main stream media I've switched to...

My Interests

Punk Rawk-n-Roll, politics, economics - but mostly Punk Rawk-n-Roll, politics and economics.

I'd like to meet:

I wanna meet people like this!


I suckled at the teet of punk and drank it's sweet milk.

black flag - thirsty and miserable
Uploaded by jesus_lizard

But, I grew up on some rock, too...

But mostly punk...

But for the best part - PUNK


And Cheap Trick!

But everyone has their guilty pleasure song

Ah.... Fuck that shit. Really, most anything is okay - with the major exception of boy bands and country music. There's something about rednecks and the selling of pre-teen faux homosexuality that makes my skin itch and break out in hives.
But don't worry. I like you. You're a nice person.


You're not really gonna make me answer this, are you? It would take me too damn long to go through the list.

But don't worry. I like you. You're a nice person.


The Daily Show, Scrubs, Grey's Anatomy, MSNBC's Countdown with Kieth Olbermann, The Office...
But don't worry. I like you. You're a nice person.


Things about Punk Rawk-n-Roll, history, politics, economics - but mostly Punk Rawk-n-Roll, history, politics and economics.
But don't worry. I like you. You're a nice person.


Bobby Kennedy, FDR, John Maynard Keynes, Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, Gore Vidal, Jimi Hendrix, Cheap Trick, Black Flag, Seattle Supersonics
But don't worry. I like you. You're a nice person.
And you're probably fucked up just enough to get on this list.
(I must give an "All Hail, I'm Not Worthy" to Mr. Zack Static . Without whom I'd be sitting on my hands, going insane without my music. Well, his music...)

My Blog

Today was fucking BRUTAL!

Today was the first day of Green River rehearsals for the reunion show in July.BRUTAL!Talk about rust!"Do remember how this song went?""Where's the change come in?""That's not right, is it?"And I can'...
Posted by Sun! Sea! Socialism! on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 06:10:00 PST

Movie Review Double Feature  "Semi-Pro" and "The Bank Job"

I know of only one person who hated one of my all-time favorites: Anchorman. (That's right. I'm talking about you, Bebet! *hubba! hubba!*) (more...)...
Posted by Sun! Sea! Socialism! on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 01:14:00 PST

Movie Review  "Persepolis"

I don't get it these days. There are some dumb-ass fashions going on around here. I just do not get it. (more...)...
Posted by Sun! Sea! Socialism! on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 11:32:00 PST

Movie Review  "Strange Wilderness"

Synopsis:Animal enthusiast Peter Gaulke (Steve Zahn) and his sidekick Fred Wolf (Allen Covert) host an ailing wildlife TV show "Strange Wilderness," which is in a steep ratings decline. Desp...
Posted by Sun! Sea! Socialism! on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 03:43:00 PST

Movie Review  "Teeth"

Now, I'm not quite sure if this is supposed to be a horror film that is just hilarious by sheer accident, or if this whole thing is supposed to be tongue-in-cheek, but this is a strange and funny movi...
Posted by Sun! Sea! Socialism! on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 10:09:00 PST

Edwards is out...

Posted by Sun! Sea! Socialism! on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 11:38:00 PST

Movie Review  "Cloverfield"

Cloverfield "Synopsis:On the eve of his departure for Japan, Rob (Michael Stahl-David) sees his going-away party as an opportunity to confess unresolved feelings and tie up loose ends. His ag...
Posted by Sun! Sea! Socialism! on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 08:50:00 PST

This is what it is...

The show is going to be on July 12th and 13th at Magnusen Park.I do NOT know which day we will be playing.I'm only going to say this once to all of you...DON'T ask for freebies.DON'T ask passes - back...
Posted by Sun! Sea! Socialism! on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 02:01:00 PST

Movie Review  "The Savages"

The SavagesThe link to The Savages trailer. (My apologies, there is no YouTube link.)SynopsisWendy Savage (Laura Linney), a struggling playwright, has little to do with her brother, Jon (Philip Seymo...
Posted by Sun! Sea! Socialism! on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 03:57:00 PST

Jesus Can Suck It!

Jesus Can Suck It!
Posted by Sun! Sea! Socialism! on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 11:35:00 PST