The Campaign to END the Death Penalty is a group dedicated to the complete abolishment of the death penalty.
We, as a group, oppose the death penalty for five basic reasons:
1. The Death Penalty is Racist.
2. The Death Penalty Punishes the Poor
3. The Death Penalty Condemns the Innocent.
4. The Death Penalty Does Not Deter Violent Crime.
5. The Death Penalty Is Cruel and Unusual.
There are several other reasons to oppose the death penalty, but these are the five that CEDP works with.
Aside from these, many of the members of the Corpus Christi chapter oppose the death penalty on the grounds that the state should not have the right/power to condemn someone to death. There are too many problems within the system to allow for a "Clean Chance" at justice. Being how it is almost impossible to get rid of the faults within the current system, the death penalty should be abolished.
An updated version of the pamphlet we use that elaborates on the five reasons listed above can be found in the blog section.
For more questions, e-mail us at [email protected]